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Contribution View

Date : January 13, 2016
Organization : Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
Country : Georgia
Job Title : Senior Specialist of Info-communications Division. Department of Communications, IT and Innovations

Contribution : Question 1: Challenges In Georgia the people with disability and Special Education Needs have a various difficulties in accessing and using the internet. - Blind and visually impaired people has not enough devices and knowledge to use them; - Lack of trainers in ICT skills; - Lack of Georgian voice program to get information in Native Language; - Lack of adapted programs in sign language for Deaf people; - Lack of adapted Computer accessories: mouse, keyboard … for people with motor difficulties; Question 2: Best practices - Good example is “Voice Alphabet Saba” which assists SENs to learn Alphabet quite well; - Only Boarding schools for children with Disability for distance learning are using smart boards. The school connects SEN student with class; - To use some programs for Autistic students by iPad; - By the national curriculum the school has ICT lessons; Question 3: Gaps - There is no appropriate computer technics for Disabilities in Georgia; To purchase appropriate computer technics; - There is no available computer programs for SENs in Georgian Language; To equip the schools with useful technics, to adapt the computer programs in Georgian Language; - To develop distance education; To equip schools with useful computer and develop teachers skills; - There is not exists development programs for SENs in Georgia Language. There are different ipad programs which assist Autistic children to develop functional, emotional and life skills (ipad programs - Scene Speak, AUTISMXPRESS, Proloquo2Go, Autism I Help-Sorting); - Web pages are not adapted for people with Disability (for Blinds and Deaf); - There was not carried out any research around technology; - The schools have not Brailers for Blind students; Question 4: Role of governments - The State must take responsibility to provide all useful technical equipment for students with Disability; - To Create the action plan for developing and provide people with disability with computer technology; - To create new system/organization which will provide the people with disability with appropriate technical equipment with cooperate with other government, nongovernment and international organizations; - To organize training models to prepare people in using computer technology; - To provide adapted programs for Deaf

Attachments : Access to the Internet for Persons with Disabilities and specific needs - GEORGIA.pdf