Committed to connecting the world

Display March 2014

Name : POUZIN, Louis
Date : April 05, 2014
Organization : EUROLINC
Country : France
Contribution : Abstract Internet Governance has been the topic of endless discussion since the WSIS preparation was launched in 2001. Most States insist on having equal say in decisions bearing not only on technical matters, but also on public policy, and economic and societal matters, at both national and international level. However, the United States Government (USG) remains fully determined to retain unilateral control over the internet. While discussions may go on for any number of years, countries and citizens around the world cannot afford to remain sitting ducks unable to control their future. This paper explores possible actions they may take, without the USG approval, to protect their human rights and sovereignty, and to acquire some bargaining power in the internet realpolitik.

Attachments : ITU_next_internet_governance.pdf