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Name : IBBETSON, James
Date : August 20, 2017
Organization : Bahrain Telecommunications Company BSC
Country : Kingdom of Bahrain
Job Title : Head of Legal and Regulatory - Bahrain

Contribution : Batelco recognizes and proposes: • legal OTT applications should not be blocked or throttled, but • by changes in law and regulation, an effective level playing field for OTTs be created so the regulatory requirements affecting public telecoms operators also apply to them • establishment of OTT authorisations at an international level with effective supervision/enforcement cross border to tackle the issue of service/software provision being separated from network provision • encouragement and support for OTT contribution towards infrastructure investment or other regulatory incentives to encourage this if OTT access is allowed • allow paid prioritisation – recognize the OTT market is consolidating into several big players now

Attachments : 20170820 ITU consultation OTT response.docx