Committed to connecting the world

Child Online Protection: Online Consultation (November 2015- January 2016 )

 cop presentation 2.jpgAs requested in ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 179, the Group conducts online consultations for youth, prior to its meetings. In this regard, as agreed during the Tenth Meeting of the CWG-COP which was held on 30 September 2015, members and all relevant stakeholders decided to consult in order to suggest topics for the next online youth consultation to be held in 2016.

Accordingly, all stakeholders are invited to provide their answers through the link provided further below.

  The deadline for submissions is  12 February 2016


Useful information and instructions :

The online youth consultations are held throughout the period between two successive meetings of the CWG-COP. This process gives an opportunity to youth from all nations to express their views with regards to the topic(s) under discussion.

Members and other relevant stakeholders of the CWG-COP, are kindly requested to additionally provide a short summary of their suggested topics as part of their submission for the benefit of all readers.