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Executive Summary

Executive Summary

ITU-T Study Group 17, Security, meeting

29 August – 7 September 2016, Geneva/Switzerland

Hot topics:

  • IoT security
  • Intelligent Transportation System security
  • Cybersecurity
  • Countering mobile messaging spam
  • Telebiometrics
  • Cloud computing security
  • Identity management
  • Security architecture, Software-defined networking security
  • Information Security Management
  • Mobile terminal security
  • Smart-grid security
  • Application security
  • ASN.1, Cryptographic Message Syntax
  • 8th edition of the X.500 series on Directories
  • Specification and Description Language (SDL)
  • UML
  • TTCN-3
  • Successful use of security standards.

Newcomers and Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG):

Associated events below assisted in identifying new actions for the study group and leverage the collaboration with other organizations and hopefully attract new experts to the ITU-T and SG17 community.

  • Mentoring programme for newcomers: Comprehensive programme through tutorials (see below), welcome, feedback session and guided tour, all attended with interest.
  • BSG hands-on training session for 10 newcomers from developing countries.

Tutorial presentations:

Six tutorial presentations were given at this Study Group 17 meeting and found quite some positive interest, addressing SG17 overview for newcomers; presentations from the Rapporteurs of Questions 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12/17.

New work items:

16 new work items were agreed to be added to the SG17 work programme. Details are in Annex B.

Next SG17 meeting:

  • Tuesday 21 – Wednesday 29 March 2017 (shortened to 7 days), Geneva, Switzerland for its first meeting in the next study period.
  • Five Questions plan to hold six interim Rapporteur meetings during the interregnum period prior to the March 2017 meeting of Study Group 17.
  • 11 texts are planned for approval, determination, consent or agreement in March 2017.
  • Planned ITU workshop on blockchain, Monday 20 March 2017, Geneva, Switzerland..

Meeting Output:

The SG17 plenary meeting:

  1. Approved three draft new ITU-T Recommendations announced for TAP in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 1, Section 9. Details are in Annex A a).
  2. Approved one new Amendment, agreed two new Supplements, approved one revised Implementer's guide, and agreed one new Technical Report. Details are in Annex A c).
  3. Determined (TAP) seven draft new ITU-T Recommendations in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 1, Section 9. Details are in Annex A d).
  4. Consented (AAP) four draft new ITU-T Recommendations, 17 draft revised ITU-T Recommendations, and two draft Technical Corrigenda for Last Call according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8. Details are in Annex A e).


143 participants (7 less than at the previous SG17 meeting, 179 pre-registered); 29 Member States, 18 Sector Members, 1 Associate, and 2 Academia. Several invited experts. Many experts could not attend (or only partially) due to parallel WTSA-16 preparatory meetings in Africa and CEPT, and a parallel cybersecurity conference in Africa.

  • New participation from: Benin (Republic of), Senegal (Republic of), Singapore (Republic of), Zambia (Republic of), Orange Polska S.A, Rohde & Schwarz, INMARSAT, and Iran University of Science & Technology.

SG17 vice chairmen vacancies:

  • Arab Region: SG17 vice Chairman from UAE left and the post is vacant.
  • Americas Region: SG17 vice Chairman from Mexico has never participated.

SG17 appointments:

  • Prof. Heung-Youl YOUM (Korea, Republic of) as Acting SG17 Chairman, for Mr Arkadiy KREMER (SG17 Chairman, Russian Federation), who could not attend due to a family emergency.
  • Ms Miho NAGANUMA (NEC, Japan) as Acting WP2/17 Chairman, for Mr Sacid SARIKAYA (Turkey).
  • Mr Yutaka MIYAKE (KDDI, Japan) as Acting WP4/17 Chairman, for Mr Antonio GUIMARAES (Brazil).
  • Mr Yutaka MIYAKE to be acting Q6/17 Rapporteur for the first three days of the meeting.
  • Mr Heung Ryong OH (Korea, Republic of) and Ms Zhiyuan HU (Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd) co-chaired the Q2/17 sessions.
  • Mr Changoh KIM as acting Q5/17 associate Rapporteur
  • Interregnum Rapporteurs and interregnum Associate Rapporteurs were appointed for the interregnum period. All Questions are covered.

Other highlights:

Four special sessions and one ad-hoc session were held to off-load the plenaries from debates:

    • on addressing contributions from developing countries. The SG17 regional group for Africa presented its activity report which was agreed;
    • on collaboration between SG17 and SG20 on IoT security. The meeting confirmed the TSAG collaboration agreement between SG17 and SG20, concluded to continue using the Correspondence Group (CG-IoTSec) with revised terms of reference for discussion; and to negotiate arrangements for a joint Rapporteurs Group meeting between SG17 Questions and SG20 Questions at the new Chairmen's and Vice Chairmen's meeting at the end of WTSA-16.
    • on trust and finding a SG17 position on trustworthiness of the security of systems, and collaboration with SG13.
    • on FG-AC deliverables with conclusions to solicit contributions from members on security aspects and analysis of the FG-AC deliverables, and to consider organizing a special session at the next SG17 meeting.
    • Q11/17 Ad-hoc session on collaboration with IETF on CMS (draft Rec. ITU-T X.894 AAP Last Call comments resolution) and similar specifications where it was concluded to stop X.894 (planned disapproval in March 2017), proceed with a new work item on a CMS profile, and an improved process to collaborate with IETF on CMS and on ASN.1.

      The ICT Security Standards Roadmap and the Security Compendia were updated.

Coordination and promotion activities:

  • One Joint Coordination Activity on IdM meeting under the SG17 parent-ship was held and coordination took place with OASIS, Open ID Foundation, FIDO Alliance and GLEIF shared information. TSB was requested to start the A.4 and A.5 qualification process with FIDO Alliance.
  • Joint Coordination Activity on COP did not meet but SG17 agreed that the JCA-COP activity will continue until March 2017.

Correspondence Groups:

One Correspondence Group was continued, and one CG was terminated.

  • CG-IoTSec: Continued (joint with SG20) Correspondence Group on Security and Privacy for IoT for ongoing coordination and collaboration.
  • CG-CYBEX finished its work for this study period and was closed.

Meeting input and organization:

  • Contributions: 63 (81 last time, 22% less), 4 contributions were withdrawn.
  • TDs: more than 380 (38 less than in the previous meeting). This includes 48 incoming liaison statements, and 23 outgoing liaison statements.
  • Busy and productive 8th and final SG17 meeting of this study period having 8 working days.
  • Two SG17 open, extended management team meetings were held (during the weekends), complemented by the SG17 security coordination meeting.
  • 112 sessions were organized, many parallel meetings per quarter each day. 15 sessions were equipped with AdobeConnect/GotoMeeting teleconferencing to allow participation from remote.

 Annex A

Actions taken on Recommendations, and other texts at the 7 September 2016 SG17 plenary

a)          Recommendations approved (TAP – WTSA-12 Resolution 1):

The SG17 plenary meeting approved (TAP) three draft new ITU-T Recommendations in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 1, Section 9.

QAcronymTitleNew / RevisedEditor(s)Location of textEquivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
Start of workTiming
Session information message exchange formatNewIk-Kyun Kim,
Jong-Hyun Kim
TD 2925 2014-092016-09
Guidelines for cloud service customer data securityNewNan Meng,
Liang Wei
COM 17 – R 63 2014-092016-09
Enhanced entity authentication based on aggregated attributesNewTae Kyung Kim,
Jae Hoon Nah,
Junjie Xia
COM 17 – R 64 2014-092016-09

(1)   In case of joint Question activity, the lead Question is given without parentheses and other Questions are shown in parentheses; such entries are only shown in the table against the lead Question.

Approval of the above Recommendations is reflected in TSB Circular 243 of 19 September 2016.

b)          Recommendations (not approved) (TAP – WTSA-12 Resolution 1):


c)          Amendment approved, Supplements agreed, Implementer's guide approved, Technical Report agreed:

The SG17 plenary meeting approved one new Amendment, two new Supplements,  one revised Implementer's guide and one Technical Report.

QAcronymTitleNew / RevisedEditor(s)Location of TextEquivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
Start of workTiming
1/17X.TRsuss***Technical Report on the successful use of security standardsNewAbbie BarbirTD 2767 Rev.2 2015-042016-09

Supplement 27 to ITU-T X-series Recommendations – ITU-T X.1054

Best practice for implementation of Rec. ITU-T X.1054 | ISO /IEC 27014 on governance of information security – Case of Burkina Faso

NewRichard Anago,
Anfana Traore
TD 2972 2015-092016-09
Overview of cybersecurity information exchange – Amendment 10 – Revised structured cybersecurity information exchange techniquesNote (1)Youki KadobayashiTD 2927 2016-032016-09

Supplement 28 to ITU-T X-series Recommendations – ITU-T X.1245

Technical measures and mechanisms on countering spoofed calls in the terminating network of voice over long term evolution

NewBo Yu,
Jie Yuan,
Chen Zhang
TD 2923 Rev.1 2014-092016-09
Note (2)
Specification and Description Language implementer's guide - Version 3.0.1RevisedRick ReedTD 2860 Rev.1 2016-032016-09

**    Supplement for agreement
***  Text for approval (AAP/TAP not applicable)
(1)   Amendment 10, which updates Appendix I, supersedes Amendment 9.
(2)   Implementer's Guide for approval.

d)          Recommendations determined (TAP – WTSA-12 Resolution 1):

The SG17 plenary meeting determined (TAP) seven draft new ITU-T Recommendations in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 1, Section 9.

Q(1)AcronymTitleNew / RevisedEditor(s)Location of textEquivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
Start of workTiming
Information technology – Security techniques – Code of practice for personally identifiable information protectionNewSoonjoung Byun,
Lijun Liu,
Heung Youl Youm
COM 17 – R 69
(TD 2934 Rev.1)
ISO/IEC 291512011-092016-09
Design considerations for improved end-user perception of trustworthiness indicatorsNewYouki Kadobayashi,
Daisuke Miyamoto
COM 17 – R 71
(TD 2917)
Access control models for incidents exchange networksNewAlexey KoshkaCOM 17 – R 72
(TD 2916)
Guidelines on mitigating the negative effects of infected terminals in mobile networksNewLiu Lijun,
Chen Zhang
COM 71 – R 76
(TD 2946)
Simple encryption procedure for Internet of things (IoT) environmentsNewShugo MikamiCOM 17 – R 77
(TD 2964 Rev.1)
Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devicesNewMasashi Eto,
Koji Nakao
COM 17 – R 78
(TD 2988 Rev.1)
9/17, (11/17)X.1080.0 (X.pbact)Access control for telebiometrics data protectionNewEric Andersen,
Michele Peiry
COM 17 – R 75
(TD 2899 Rev.3)
Note (2)

(1)   In case of joint Question activity, the lead Question is given without parentheses and other Questions are shown in parentheses; such entries are only shown in the table against the lead Question.
(2)   WP4/17 Report (COM 17 – R 74 Annex C Attachment 3) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1080.0 (X.pbact).

Information on the Member States consultation is available in TSB Circular ??? issued ?? September 2016.

Summaries for these draft Recommendations are given in TD 2636 Rev.2. Further updates will be posted at

e)          Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation ITU-T A.8):

The SG17 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to four draft new ITU-T Recommendations, 17 draft revised ITU-T Recommendations, and two draft Tehnical Corrigenda for Last Call according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

Q(1)AcronymTitleNew / RevisedEditor(s)Location of textEquivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
Start of workTiming
2/17, (6/17)X.1038
Security requirements and reference architecture for software-defined networkingNewZhiyuan Hu,
Zhaoji Lin,
Ye Tao
TD 2963
Note (2)
Technical security measures for implementation of ITU-T X.805 security dimensionsNewHeung-Youl YoumTD 2933 Rev.5 2014-092016-09
9/17, (11/17)X.1085
Information technology — Security techniques — Telebiometric authentication framework using biometric hardware security moduleNewMyung Geun Chun,
Jason Kim,
Yong Nyuo Shin
TD 3010ISO/IEC 179222010-122016-09
Technical and operational countermeasures for telebiometric applications using mobile devicesNewJason Kim,
Nak Hyun Kim,
Yong Nyuo Shin
TD 2967 Rev.1
Note (3)
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and servicesRevisedErik AndersenTD 2888 Rev.1ISO/IEC 9594-12014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: ModelsRevisedErik AndersenTD 2889 Rev.1
Note (4)
ISO/IEC 9594-22014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworksRevisedErik AndersenTD 2890 Rev.1
Note (5)
ISO/IEC 9594-82014-042016-09
11/17X.509 (2012) Cor.3Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks – Technical Corrigendum 3 Erik AndersenTD 2897 Rev.1ISO/IEC 9594-8:2014 Cor.32016-092016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Abstract service definitionRevisedErik AndersenTD 2891
Note (6)
ISO/IEC 9594-32014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Procedures for distributed operationsRevisedErik AndersenTD 2892
Note (7)
ISO/IEC 9594-42014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Protocol specificationsRevisedErik AndersenTD 2893
Note (8)
ISO/IEC 9594-52014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Selected attribute typesRevisedErik AndersenTD 2894
Note (9)
ISO/IEC 9594-62014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Selected object classesRevisedErik AndersenTD 2895ISO/IEC 9594-72014-042016-09
(eighth edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: ReplicationRevisedErik AndersenTD 2896ISO/IEC 9594-92014-042016-09
11/17X.691 (2015) Cor.1Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) Jean-Paul LemaireTD 2921ISO/IEC 8824-2:2015 Cor.12016-092016-09
12/17Z.100 Annex F1Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: General overviewRevisedRick ReedTD 2861 2015-092016-09
12/17Z.100 Annex F2Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Static semanticsRevisedRick ReedTD 2862 Rev.2 2015-092016-09
12/17Z.100 Annex F3Specification and Description Language - Overview of SDL-2010 - SDL formal definition: Dynamic semanticsRevisedRick ReedTD 2863 Rev.1 2015-092016-09
12/17Z.109Specification and Description Language - Unified modeling language profile for SDL-2010RevisedRick ReedTD 2864 Rev.2
Note (10)
12/17Z.161Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 core languageRevisedDieter HogrefeTD 2908
Note (11)
ETSI ES 201 873-12014-092016-09
12/17Z.164Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 operational semanticsRevisedDieter HogrefeTD 2909
Note (12)
ETSI ES 201 873-42014-092016-09
12/17Z.166Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 control interface (TCI)RevisedDieter HogrefeTD 2910
Note (13)
ETSI ES 201 873-62014-092016-09
12/17Z.169Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: Using XML schema with TTCN-3RevisedDieter HogrefeTD 2911
Note (14)
ETSI ES 201 873-92014-092016-09

(1)   In case of joint Question activity, the lead Question is given without parentheses and other Questions are shown in parentheses; such entries are only shown in the table against the lead Question.
(2)   WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 68 Annex B Attachment 1) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Rec. ITU-T X.1038 (X.sdnsec-2).
(3)   WP4/17 Report (COM 17 – R 74 Annex C Attachment 4) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Rec. ITU-T X.1087 (X.tam).
(4)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 2) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.501.
(5)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 3) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.509.
(6)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 4) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.511.
(7)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 5) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.518.
(8)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 6) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.519.
(9)   WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex A Attachment 7) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T X.520.
(10) WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex B Attachment 1) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T Z.109.
(11) WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex B Attachment 2) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T Z.161.
(12) WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex B Attachment 3) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T Z.164.
(13) WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex B Attachment 4) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T Z.166.
(14) WP5/17 Report (COM 17 – R 79 Annex B Attachment 5) contains the A.5 justification information for draft revised Rec. ITU-T Z.169.
(15) Draft revised Recommendations ITU-T Z.100 Annex F1, Z.100 Annex F2, Z.100 Annex F3 will enter AAP Last Call after a time for final editorial checking.

Annex B

New work items

The following 16 new work items were agreed to be added to the SG17 work programme:

Q(1)AcronymTitleNew/ RevisedAAP/TAP/ Agreement


Supporting members



e.g., ISO/IEC


Supplement 13 to ITU-T X.1051

Supplement on information security management users' guide for Recommendation ITU-T X.1051


Kyeong Hee Oh (Korea, Republic of);
Wataru Senga (KDDI Corporation)

China Mobile, KDDI, KISA, NEC.

NWI template:

R 68 Annex C Attachment 1 Base text:

C 614


Supplement to ITU-T X.1055

Risk management implementation guidance on the assets of telecommunication organizations accessible by global IP-based networks


Yunbo Feng (China Mobile);
Bo Yu (China Unicom);
Chen Zhang (China Mobile)

Alibaba China, China Mobile, China

NWI template:

R 68 Annex C Attachment 2

Base text:

TD 2949 Rev.2


Supplement to ITU-T X.1231

Technical framework for countering telephone service scam


Feng Gao (China Unicom);
Nan Jiang (China Unicom);
Junjie Xia (China Unicom);
Chen Zhang (China Mobile);
Yanbin Zhang (China, P.R.)

China (P.R.), China Mobile, China Unicom.

NWI template:

R 69 Annex B Attachment 1

Base text:

TD 2926 Rev.1 Annex 2

6/17X.sgsec-3Security guidelines for smart metering service in smart gridsNewTAP

Gunhee Lee (ETRI)

China Mobile, KISA, Korea (Republic of).

NWI template:

R 74 Annex A Attachment 1

Base text:

TD 2984 Rev.1 Annex B

7/17X.fdipFramework of de-identification processing service for telecommunication service providersNewTAP

Hyungjin Lim (Korea, Republic of);
Lijun Liu (China Mobile);
Jongyoul Park (ETRI);
Heung-Youl Youm (Korea, Republic of)

China Mobile, ETRI, KISA, Korea (Republic of).

NWI template:

R 74 Annex B Attachment 2

Base text:

TD 2997 Rev.1 Annex 2

7/17, (10/17)X.hakmGuidelines on hybrid authentication and key management mechanisms in client-server modelNewAAP

Jihoon Cho (Samsung SDS);
Kyu Young Choi (Samsung SDS);
Jung Yeon Hwang (ETRI)

China Mobile, ETRI, Korea (Republic of).

NWI template:

R 74 Annex B Attachment 3

Base text:

TD 3000 Annex B

7/17X.srfbSecurity Requirements and Framework for Big Data Analytics in mobile Internet servicesNewAAP

Feng Gao (China Unicom);
Nan Jiang (China Unicom);
Jongyoul Park (ETRI);
Junjie Xia (China Unicom)

China Mobile, China Unicom, ETRI, ZTE.

NWI template:

R 74 Annex B Attachment 4

Base text:

TD 2960 Rev.2 Annex 2

8/17X.GSBDaaSGuidelines on security of Big Data as a ServiceNewTAP

Mark McFadden (United Kingdom);
Nan Meng (China P.R);
Chen Zhang (China Mobile)

Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, China, China Mobile, ETRI, United Kingdom, ZTE.

NWI template:

R 73 Annex A Attachment 1

Base text:

TD 2974 Rev.1 Appendix I

8/17X.SRCaaSSecurity requirements for Communication as a Service application environmentsNewTAP

Xuetao Du (China Mobile);
Nan Meng (China, P.R.);
Ye Tao (China Unicom);
Chen Zhang (China Mobile)

Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, China (P.R.), China Mobile, ETRI, United Kingdom, ZTE.

NWI template:

R 74 Annex A Attachment 2

Base text:

TD 2976 Rev.1 Annex II

8/17X.SRNaaSSecurity requirements of Network as a Service (NaaS) in cloud computingNewTAP

Zhiyuan Hu (Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell);
Ye Tao (China Unicom);
Chen Zhang (China Mobile);
Ni Zhang (China Unicom)

Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, China Mobile, China Unicom, United Kingdom.

NWI template:

R 74 Annex A Attachment 3

Base text:

TD 2795 Rev.1 Appendix I

(2nd edition)
e-Health and world-wide telemedicines - Generic telecommunication protocolRevisedAAP

Erik Andersen,
Michelle Peiry


TD 2953 Rev.1 2017-03 
9/17X.tabTelebiometric authentication using bio-signalsNewAAP

Jason Kim (Korea, Republic of);
Sam Lee (Korea, Republic of)

Alibaba (China) Co. Ltd., Brazil, China Mobile, ETRI, Korea (Republic of), KISA

NWI template:

R 74 Annex C Attachment 2

Base text:

TD 2965 Annex 2

10/17, (9/17)X.eaasdFramework of enhanced authentication in telebiometric environments using anti-spoofing detection mechanismsNewTAP

Kepeng Li (Alibaba China Co., Ltd.);
Hongwei Luo (Alibaba China Co., Ltd.)

Alibaba, China (P.R.), China Unicom, ETRI, KISA, Singapore, Mali, Rwanda, ZTE.

NWI template:
R 73 Annex B Attachment 1

Base text:

TD 2955 Rev.1 Annex 2

11/17X.680 (2015) Cor.1Information technology – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation: Technical Corrigendum 1 AAPPaul Thorpe

Ref: TD 2655

NWI template:

Base text:

ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 Cor.12017-03
11/17X.696 (2015) Cor.1Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Octet Encoding Rules (OER): Technical Corrigendum 1 AAPPaul Thorpe

Ref: TD 2655

NWI template:

Base text:

ISO/IEC 8825-7:2015 Cor.12017-03


Note (2)

Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) ProfileNewAAP

Jean-Paul Lemaire (ISO)


NWI template:

R 79 Annex A Attachment 1

Base text:


*      Target date for consent or determination of Recommendations or for agreement of Supplements or non-normative text
(1)   In case of joint Question activity, the lead Question is given without parentheses and other Questions are shown in parentheses; such entries are only shown in the table against the lead Question.
(2)   X.CMS-prof is a new work item which replaces draft Rec. ITU-T X.894 (X.cms) which was agreed to be discontinued with planned dis-approval in March 2017.

Work items discontinued:

X.sotavsu**Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates – Operational and Functional RequirementsDiscontinue and delete from the work programme

**         Non-normative document
