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Results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations, Supplements and other texts at the 7 September 2012 SG 17 plenary

a) Recommendations approved (TAP – WTSA-08 Resolution 1):

Q. Recommendation ITU-T (Acronym) Title Editor(s) Location of Text Equivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
3/17 X.1054
Information technology – Security techniques – Governance of information security Jungduk Kim TD 3249 Rev.2 ISO/IEC 27014
4/17 X.1528
Common platform enumeration Robert A. Martin TD 3092 Rev.1
4/17 X.1528.1
Common platform enumeration naming Robert A. Martin TD 3091 Rev.2 Note (2) NISTIR 7695 Note (9)
4/17 X.1528.2
Common platform enumeration name matching Robert A. Martin TD 3090 Rev.3 Note (3) NISTIR 7696 Note (9)
4/17 X.1528.3
Common platform enumeration dictionary Robert A. Martin TD 3089 Rev.3 Note (4) NISTIR 7297 Note (9)
4/17 X.1528.4
Common platform enumeration applicability language Robert A. Martin TD 3088 Rev.1 Note (5) NISTIR 7698 Note (9)
4/17 X.1541
Incident object description exchange format Kathleen Moriarty TD 3112 Rev.1 Note (6) IETF RFC 5070 Note (9)
4/17 X.1580
Real-time inter-network defense Kathleen Moriarty TD 3109 Rev.1 Note (7) IETF RFC 6545 Note (9)
4/17 X.1581
Transport of real-time inter-network defense messages Kathleen Moriarty TD 3110 Rev.1 Note (8) IETF RFC 6546 Note (9)
10/17 X.1254
Entity authentication assurance framework Richard Brackney TD 3247 Rev.3 ISO/IEC 29115 Note (10)

(2) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 3) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1528.1.
(3) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 4) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1528.2.
(4) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 5) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1528.3.
(5) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 6) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1528.4.
(6) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 40 Annex D Attachment 2) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1541.
(7) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 7) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1580.
(8) WP1/17 Report (COM 17 – R 48 Annex D Attachment 8) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1581.
(9) Related text.
(10) Related text (neither common nor twin text)

Approval of the above Recommendations is reflected in TSB Circular 310 of 11 September 2012.


b) Recommendations discontinued (not approved) (TAP – WTSA-08 Resolution 1):

Q. Recommendation ITU-T (Acronym) Title Editor(s) Location of Text Equivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
2/17 X.1037
(X.rev) (Note 2)
Architectural systems for security controls for preventing fraudulent activities in public carrier networks Roman Khokhlov TD 2610 Rev.2
4/17 X.1527
(X.xccdf) Note (3)
Extensible configuration checklist description format Robert A. Martin TD 3101 NISTIR 7275 Note (4)

(2) Draft X.1037 (X.rev) was decided to be discontinued; the text was converted into a Supplement (X.Suppl.16) and agreed to (see c) below).
(3) Draft X.1527 (X.xccdf) was decided to be discontinued.
(4) Related text.

Discontinuation of draft Recommendations ITU-T X.1037 and X.1527 are reflected in TSB Circular 310 of 11 September 2012.

c) Supplements and Appendices agreed:

Q. Recommendation ITU-T (Acronym) Title Editor(s) Location of Text Equivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
2/17 X.Suppl.15
Supplement to ITU-T X-series Recommendations – X.800-X.849 series – Supplement on guidance for creating national IP-based public network security center for developing countries Dmitry Kostrov TD 3154 Rev.1
Note (2)
2/17 X.Suppl.16
Supplement to ITU-T X-series Recommendations – X.800-X.849 series – Supplement on architectural systems for security controls for preventing fraudulent activities in public carrier networks Roman Khokhlov TD 3163 Rev.2
3/17 X.Suppl.13 Supplement to ITU-T X.1051 – Supplement on information security management users’ guide for Recommendation ITU-T X.1051 Koji Nakao,
Wataru Senga
TD 3118 Rev.2
4/17 X.1500
Overview of cybersecurity information exchange – Amendment 2 – Revised structured cybersecurity information exchange techniques Youki Kadobayashi TD 3167 Rev.2
5/17 X.Suppl.14
Supplement to ITU-T X.1243 – Supplement on a practical reference model for countering email spam using botnet information Yoo Jae Won,
Hongbin Zhang,
Bei Zhao

TD 3120 Rev.2
7/17 X.Suppl.17
Supplement to ITU-T X-series Recommendations – ITU-T X.1143 – Supplement on threats and security objectives for enhanced web-based telecommunication service Jae Hoon Nah,
DaeHee Seo
TD 3253 Rev.1
Note (2)

(2) It was agreed to change “requirement” to “guidance”.

d) Recommendations determined (TAP – WTSA-08 Resolution 1): 

Q. Recommendation ITU-T (Acronym) Title Editor(s) Location of Text Equivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
4/17 X.1526
Open vulnerability and assessment language Robert A. Martin COM 17 – R 64
4/17 X.1544
Common attack pattern enumeration and classification Robert A. Martin COM 17 – R 65
6/17 X.1126
Security aspects of smartphones Hongwei Luo,
Yutaka Miyake
COM 17 – R 67
General framework of combined authentication on multiple identity service provider environments Tadashi Kaji,
Hyung-jin Lim
COM 17 – R 68

These Recommendations were issued as COM 17 – R 64, COM 17 – R 65, COM 17 – R 67, and COM 17 – R 68. Information on the Member States consultation is available in TSB Circular 311 issued 27 September 2012.

Summaries for these draft Recommendations are given in COM 17 – R 62 Annex H.


e) Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation ITU-T A.8):

Q. Recommendation ITU-T (Acronym) Title Editor(s) Location of Text Equivalent
e.g., ISO/IEC
6/17 X.1196
Framework for the downloadable service and content protection system in the mobile Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) environment Heung-Youl Youm TD 3188 Rev.1
Note (2)
6/17 X.1313
Security requirements for wireless sensor network routing Mijoo Kim TD 3185 Rev.1
7/17 X.1164
Use of service providers’ user authentication infrastructure to implement public key infrastructure for peer-to-peer networks Ayumu Kubota,
Yutaka Miyake
TD 3082
11/17 E.115 (2010)
Computerized directory assistance – Corrigendum 1 Erik Andersen TD 3079
11/17 X.500
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services Erik Andersen TD 3070 ISO/IEC 9594-1
11/17 X.501 (2008) Cor.3 Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: models – Technical Corrigendum 3 Erik Andersen TD 3064 ISO/IEC 9594-2:2008 Cor.3
11/17 X.501
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Models Erik Andersen TD 3071 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-2
11/17 X.509 (2008) Cor.3 Information technology – Open systems interconnection – The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks – Technical Corrigendum 3 Erik Andersen TD 3068 ISO/IEC 9594-8:2008 Cor.3
11/17 X.509
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks Erik Andersen TD 3072 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-8
11/17 X.511 (2008) Cor.3 Information technology – Open systems interconnection – The Directory: Abstract service definition – Technical Corrigendum 3 Erik Andersen TD 3065 ISO/IEC 9594-3:2008 Cor.3
11/17 X.511
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Abstract Service Definition Erik Andersen TD 3073 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-3
11/17 X.518 (2008) Cor.2 Information technology – Open systems interconnection – The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation – Technical Corrigendum 2 Erik Andersen TD 3066 Rev.2 ISO/IEC 9594-4:2008 Cor.2
11/17 X.518
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Procedures for Distributed Operations Erik Andersen TD 3074 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-4
11/17 X.519
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Protocols Erik Andersen TD 3075 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-5
11/17 X.520 (2008) Cor.3 Information technology – Open systems interconnection – The Directory: Selected Attribute types – Technical Corrigendum 3 Erik Andersen TD 3067 ISO/IEC 9594-6:2008 Cor.3
11/17 X.520
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Selected Attribute Types Erik Andersen TD 3076 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-6
11/17 X.521
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Selected object classes Erik Andersen TD 3077 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-7
11/17 X.525
(seventh edition)
Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory – Replication Erik Andersen TD 3078 Rev.1 ISO/IEC 9594-9
12/17 X.667 Information technology –Procedures for the operation of object identifiers registration authority: Generation of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) and their use in object identifiers Olivier Dubuisson TD 3083 Rev.3 ISO/IEC 9834-8
13/17 Z.104 Amd.1 Data and action language in SDL-2010 – Amendment 1: Annex C – Language Binding Rick Reed TD 2951 Rev.4
13/17 Z.109 Amd.1 Unified modeling language (UML) profile for SDL-2010: Amendment 1: Appendix I – Example language specification Thomas Weigert TD 2984 Rev.5
13/17 Z.151 User requirements notation (URN) – Language definition Daniel Amyot TD 3121 Rev.1

(2) WP2/17 Report (COM 17 – R 66 Annex A Attachment 1) contains the A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.1196.
(3) Draft Recommendations ITU-T X.1196, X.1313, X.1164, E.115 Cor.1, X.501 (2008) Cor.3, X.509 (2008) Cor.3, X.509 (2008) Cor.3, X.511 (2008) Cor.3, X.518 (2008) Cor.2, X.520 (2008) Cor.3, X.500, X.501, X.509, X.511, X.518, X.519, X.520, X.521, X.525, X.667, Z.104 (2011) Amd.1, and Z.151 were sent to AAP Last Call #90 on 16 September 2012.
No comments were received by the deadline on 13 October 2012 on those 21 texts; and X.1196, X.1313, X.1164, E.115 Cor.1, X.501 (2008) Cor.3, X.509 (2008) Cor.3, X.509 (2008) Cor.3, X.511 (2008) Cor.3, X.518 (2008) Cor.2, X.520 (2008) Cor.3, X.500, X.501, X.509, X.511, X.518, X.519, X.520, X.521, X.525, Z.104 (2011) Amd.1, and Z.151 21 texts were approved as announced in AAP-92 dated 16 October 2012. X.667 was placed into Last Call Judgment as announced in AAP-92 dated 16 October 2012.

Summaries for these draft Recommendations are given in COM 17 – R 62 Annex H.