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Question 14/11

Question 14/11 – Cloud interoperability testing
(New Question)

Cloud computing is a very important research area at the moment. The cloud services are often not justified expectations of customers, also cloud services are not regulated. In this case, there are no transparent approaches for service level agreement (SLA) monitoring of cloud computing services, and access to "cloud" environment can take much more time than expected by the customers.
Taking into account the importance of cloud computing services, including operation control of the cloud-resources used, easy scalability, transparency of expenses, control of reliability and security, the cloud applications and provided services have to be compatible.
The cloud services test specifications could be based on two testing cases: the services' interoperability testing for cloud-inside and the services' interoperability testing for services shared with different clouds.
Cooperation with ITU‑T SG 13 (the lead SG on cloud) is necessary. Testing activities will start after terminology and architecture are identified by SG 13.
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • Which reference points could be used for testing on interconnections between clouds?
  • Which signalling protocols could be tested by interconnection between clouds?
  • What kind of "cloud computing" services could be tested on interoperability?
  • What are the requirements of the cloud computing platform for compatibility of the provided services?
  • What are the measurement equipment requirements for service interoperability testing (testing schemes)?
  • What functions of "cloud computing" could be tested for compatibility with the provided services?
  • What type of recommendations could be provided for "cloud computing" applications based on the service interoperability testing results?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • determine the set of the "cloud computing" services which could be tested for service compatibility;
  • develop the "cloud computing" service interoperability test specifications;
  • develop the testing scheme for "cloud computing" services interoperability testing;
  • develop the recommendations for "cloud computing" applications for their compatibility in cloud environment.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 11 work programme
  • Q, Y, H, I, M and F-series
  • 1/11, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 7/11, 10/11 and 12/11
Study groups
  • ITU‑T SG 13 on future network architecture and cloud computing, especially Questions 17/13, 18/13 and 19/13
  • ITU‑T SG 16 on multimedia services, applications and cloud, including cloud interoperability
  • SG 12 on QoS/QoE
  • SG 17 on security
Standardization bodies
  • Regional SDOs dealing with NGN and JCA-Cloud
