Committed to connecting the world

Project Resilience

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​Project Resilience was initiated under the Global Initiative on AI and Data Commons to build a public AI utility where a global community of innovators and thought leaders can enhance and utilize a collection of data and AI approaches to help with better preparedness, intervention, and response to environmental, health, information, or economic threats to our communities, and contribute the general efforts towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)​.
Project Resilience begun with predictive methods to help with health interventions to help contain COVID-19 threats, but with only 8 years left to meet the 2030 agenda for sustainable development by achieving the 17 SDGs, it no​w plans to develop a framework for building an AI utility to address other areas. This framework, including its code, data, and product specifications will be developed on the AI and Data Commons so that it can be replicated across all other SDGs.

The initial framework will focus on climate and energy-related SDG targets, such as Target 13.2 “integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning” (under Goal ​13, Climate Action​), Target 7.2  “increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix” (under Goal 7, Affordable and Clean Energy​). The specific climate-focused use case will be announced in the coming months.

Project Resilience’s AI utility is intended to provide policy makers, industry, academia, and NGOs with the needed insights to act on the SDGs and meet the targets for their localized areas. The AI Utility will provide a free, always on, online predictive service that will provide reliable information for decision making to determine the best path for each localized area to make progress on these economic, social, and environmental challenges. ​​​​​

Building the AI Utility

Project Resilience launched its work in 2022 with coverage for one of the UN SDGs before expanding to other SDGs in 2023. The project has three working groups dedicated to delivering this work:

​1. Minimum​ Viable Product (MVP) Working Group

This Working Group is composed of subject matter experts in machine learning modeling, UX development, Architecture and DevOps who are working towards the goal of creating an MVP for the machine learning ensemble model and supporting architecture for one of the SDG topics.

The MVP working group will work in two Tracks (Data and Architecture) to produce the following deliverables:
The working group has developed a first application on land-use optimization, read more ​from the arXiv paper "Discovering effective policies for land-use planning​"​.​ The paper won the "Best Pathway to Impact" Award at the NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning; see the pre-recorded talk, slides, poster, and a short version of the paper at the workshop site​, and try out the interactive demo​ of the system.​
MVP Demo​  Land Use O​ptimization demo, AI for Good Global Summit Workshop, 5 July 2023​

MVP Working Group Lead​  Baba​k Hodjat​​, Cognizant, ​United States

Getting involved in the MVP Working Group​  Browse the MVP call for experts​ and GitHub repo then sign up here​.

​2. Data Working Group

This Working Group ​is composed of subject matter experts in data science, data sharing, and data standardization. The goal of data working group is to provide guidelines for data contribution towards solutions that project resilience will create, and develop specifications and conduct case studies for data sharing in a standardized way with interoperable interfaces with the following specific objectives:
The data working group plans to develop deliverables focusing on the areas of climate, water and energy in two phases as follows:
Data Working Group Lead​  Gyu Myoung Lee, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom 

Getting involved in the Data Working Group​  Browse the data call for experts​ and sign up here​​.​

3. Product Experience Working Group

This Working Group ​is composed of subject matter experts in in product management, user interaction, and usability.  The goal of this working group is to identify types of users that will benefit from the AI Utility and ensure that each has an optimal user experience with the platform and will be able to provide feedback and insight into solution usage. 

Product Experience Working Group Lead​  TBD ​​ 

Project Resilience Timeline


Get involved

​Project Resilience launched in October 2021 with the above three working groups dedicated to building the platform: MVP, Data, and Product Experience.  Each of these working groups are open to global volunteers with the appropriate area of expertise.

If you would like to get involved:, find us on Slack and ​browse our call for experts at: 
If your organization would like to become a partner organization with Project Resilience, contact us at: