What is List IV?
List IV " List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations" is an ITU Service Publication that contains information (i.e. call sign, MMSI, geographical coordinates, transmitting and receiving frequencies, etc.) of coast stations that provide watch-keeping using digital selective calling techniques and public correspondence service; transmit medical advice, navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information (MSI) by means of narrow-band direct-printing techniques, meteorological bulletins, notices to navigators, radio time signals and AIS. It also contains information of port stations, pilot stations, coast Earth stations, VTS stations, contact information of rescue coordination centers, SAR agencies and Navarea coordinators. The description of the contents of List IV can be found in the Preface to the List.
In which format is List IV published?
This List is composed of a booklet (paper) containing the Preface and Reference tables and a CD ROM (in pdf format) containing the complete data of coast and special service stations.
Where to buy list IV?
Please contact:
Sales and Marketing Division
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Telephone: +41 22 730 6141
Telefax: +41 22 730 5194
email: sales@itu.int
url: www.itu.int/publications
How often is List IV published?
List IV "List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations" is published every two years by the International Telecommunication Union.
How to notify updates concerning List IV to the ITU?
When to notify to the ITU information concerning the List of Coast Stations (List IV)?
Administrations shall notify to the Radiocommunication Bureau immediately any changes in the operational information contained in List of Coast Stations (List IV), in view of the importance of this information, particularly with regard to safety.
Is List of Coast Stations required to be carried onboard a vessel?
Yes. In accordance with Appendix 16 of the Radio Regulations, the carriage requirement of the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV), on board vessels for which a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System installation is required by international agreement, is mandatory, unless the responsible administration has exempted its ships from the carriage of this document under various circumstances (for example, when that ship carries equivalent information for the ship’s specified trading area).
What is List V?
List V " List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments" is an ITU Service Publication that contains information concerning ship stations, coast stations and search and rescue (SAR) aircraft for which an MMSI has been notified to the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) as well as other ship stations, predetermined groups of ship stations, accounting authority identification codes (AAICs) and contact information of notifying administrations. The description of the contents of List V can be found in the Preface to the List. The List V CD-ROM also contains a database which enables users to search for and display particulars and details of ship stations, accounting authorities and countries responsible for the notifications.
In which format is List V published?
This List is published in CD-ROM format and contains the Preface and reference tables in a booklet form.
Where to buy list V?
Please contact:
Sales and Marketing Division
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Telephone: +41 22 730 6141
Telefax: +41 22 730 5194
email: sales@itu.int
url: www.itu.int/publications
How often is List V published?
List V "List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments" is published every year, by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
When to notify to the ITU information concerning the List of ship stations (List V)?
Administrations shall notify the Radiocommunication Bureau immediately any changes in the operational information contained in List V, in view of the importance of this information, particularly with regard to safety. Furthermore, in the case of the data published in List V, which is also made available online through MARS, administrations shall communicate those changes at least once a month.
Is List V required to be carried onboard a vessel?
Yes. In accordance with Appendix 16 of the Radio Regulations, the carriage requirement of the List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V), on board vessels for which a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System installation is required by international agreement, is mandatory.
What is the List of International Monitoring Stations (List VIII)?
List VIII "List of International Monitoring Stations" is an ITU Service Publication that contains information, submitted by Administrations, about the different functions that each monitoring station is able to perform, both in the terrestrial and in the space radiocommunication services. The description of the contents of List VIII can be found in the Preface to the List.
It is to be prepared and issued by the Radiocommunication Bureau.
What is MARS?
MARS (Maritime mobile Access and Retrieval System) is an Internet-based system, developed by the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, that provides the maritime community and administrations with the means to access and retrieve operational information of Ship Stations, Coast Stations, SAR Aircraft, AIS Aids to Navigations (AtoNs) and Accounting Authorities.
Is it possible to access to MARS during the weekend?
The Maritime mobile Access and Retrieval System (MARS) is accessible online 24 hours a day for free through the ITU website.
Where can administrations find the forms for the notification of ship stations (List V)?
Where can administrations find the forms for the notification of coast stations (List IV)?
Where can administrations find the forms for the notification of Search and Rescue (SAR) aircraft?
Where can administrations find the forms for the notification of AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoNs)?
Who can notify information for updating List IV, List V and MARS?
The ITU only accepts notifications for updating List IV, List V and MARS (i.e. information) from the administrations (flag state/country) of ITU member states that has jurisdiction over the stations or on an exceptional basis, an AAIC (if authorized by an administration).
Where notifications concerning update of: List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV), List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V) and the online information systems MARS should be sent?
All notifications concerning update of List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV), List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V) and the online information systems MARS, with an official covering note, should be sent to:
the attention of “the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau”
email: brmail@itu.int
How do I update the particulars of my ship station (vessel)?
As the ITU only accepts notifications (i.e. information) from the administrations (flag state/country) of ITU member states that has jurisdiction over the stations, you should contact the administration (flag state/country) that has issued the radio license for your ship (vessel)and request them to notify the relevant data to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of all administrations at:
What form do I need to register my MMSI with the ITU?
The MMSI is assigned by the administration that has issued your radio license. Therefore, you should request that administration to notify the relevant data to the ITU.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
How can I add my vessel in the ITU MARS website? Do I simply send ITU the information?
It is the responsibility of administration (flag state/country) that has issued the radio license for your ship (vessel) to inform the ITU. Therefore, you should contact your administration and request them to notify the relevant data to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
Why my vessel does not appear on your List of ship stations (List V) and MARS?
If a vessel does not appear in the List of Ship Stations (List V) or on the ITU MARS website, it implies that the station has not yet been notified to the ITU by the responsible administration (flag state/country). You may therefore wish to contact your administration and request them to notify the correct data to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
How can I change or correct the ship's name for my MMSI / Call sign?
All amendments should be notified to the ITU by the administrations (flag state/country) of ITU member states that has jurisdiction over the stations. Therefore please contact your administration and request them to notify the correct information to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
How can I change the owner name of my vessel?
All amendments should be notified to the ITU by the administrations (flag state/country) of ITU member states that has jurisdiction over the stations. Therefore please contact your administration and request them to notify the correct information to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
How can I include missing information concerning my vessel?
Missing information concerning your vessel should be brought to the attention of the administration (flag state/country) that has jurisdiction over your station.
You should contact your administration and request them to notify the correct data to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
What is an MMSI?
Maritime mobile service identities are formed of a series of nine digits which are transmitted over the radio path in order to uniquely identify ship stations, ship earth stations, coast stations, coast earth stations, and other non-shipborne stations operating in the maritime mobile service or the maritime mobile-satellite service, and group calls.
Where can I find the "MID" (Maritime Identification Digits) for my country?
Could you give us an MMSI number to program an EPIRB?
MMSI numbers are assigned to a station by the administration (flag state/country) having jurisdiction over the station concerned and not by the ITU. Users should therefore contact their respective administrations for more relevant information.
What agency is responsible for, and has the authority to, enforce MMSI numbering integrity?
When a station in the maritime mobile service or the maritime mobile-satellite service is required to use maritime mobile service identities, the responsible administration (flag state/country) shall assign the identity to the station in accordance with the provisions described in Article 19 of the Radio Regulations; in so doing, it should take into account the relevant ITU-R and ITU-T Recommendations.
How or who do I go to try and ensure the MMSI's are registered?
As all ships (vessel) are notified to the ITU by the administration (flag state/country) that has jurisdiction over the vessel, you are requested to contact your administration and request them to notify the correct data to the ITU. Upon receipt of this official notification we will immediately update our records.
You can find the contact details of your administration at:
Where can I find information on coast stations MMSI as well as NBDP service coastal radio stations?
For a listing of particulars of all coast stations, you may consult the ITU Service Publication List IV (List of Coast stations and Special Service Stations).
In order to procure this Service Publication, please contact our sales service. The email address is:sales@itu.int.
On the other hand, if you wish to find information concerning coast stations for a particular country, you can retrieve this data by consulting the coast station search facility provided on this site at:
When I use your search engine to locate my MMSI number for my boat, it does not locate my MMSI number?
In case, based on a search criteria, a particular ship station is not found, it should be understood that this station has not been notified to the ITU. In such a case, users should contact their administrations (flag state/country) and request them to notify the missing information to the ITU. As soon as the information is received from this source, MARS will be updated. You can find the contact details of your administration at:
I thought that MMSI numbers/ call signs are intended to be unique. Then why are they assigned to another vessel?
Most probably, the responsible administration (flag state/country) has not yet communicated the changes to the ITU. In such a case, users should contact the responsible administration and request them to notify the correct information to the ITU. As soon as the information is received from this source, MARS will be updated. You can find the contact details of your administration at:
What is an Accounting Authority (AAIC)?
The accounting authority acts as a billing intermediary between the maritime mobile station and service providers. Accounting authorities came into existence to reduce the number of bills, both issued by Service Providers and received by ship owners and which required extensive administrative effort to progress, e.g. identify calls, convert call charges in various currencies and reconcile charges.
Who can become an Accounting Authority?
In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation D.90, the role of an accounting authority may be undertaken by an Administration or a Recognized Operating Agency (ROA) or any other entity or entities designated for this purpose by the Administration.
What are the requirements needed by a company to register as an Accounting Authority?
An accounting authority must be registered with their Administration. Registration should be subject to a periodic review (for example, annual) by the Administration or national Regulatory Body of the financial position and effectiveness of each accounting authority.
What is the role of an Accounting Authority?
When acting on behalf of a maritime mobile station for which it has accepted responsibility, an accounting authority shall be responsible for obtaining payment of the collection charges for maritime mobile communications from the maritime mobile station. Guaranteeing payment of the collection charges to the service providers for traffic originated by the maritime mobile station. Ensure that these payments are made in accordance with the ITU Regulations and Recommendation D.90. Maintaining up-to-date and accurate records of the maritime mobile stations for which it has responsibility. Any change in status, ship owner if known, and termination/commencement of contract must be notified immediately to interested/regularly used service providers and to the Administration that licensed the maritime mobile station. Where changes have occurred, a new and updated list of maritime mobile stations should be issued by the accounting authority at least every 90 days to interested/regularly used service providers and to the Administration who licensed the maritime mobile station, with changes to the previously issued information clearly indicated. Alternatively, a “no change” notification may be issued. The updated information should consist of: satellite identity number/ships call sign; ship/mobile name; commencement date.
Where can I find the complete address of an AAIC?
What is the difference between the AAIC(s) a: b: groups in the “Particulars of Administrations and Geographical” screen?
Group a: All registered Accounting Authorities recognized by an Administration, which are either based within that Administration's country or based in another country that have responsibility for maritime mobile stations which it has licensed.
Group b: All accounting authorities, based within the Administration's, regardless of whether or not the accounting authority concerned is responsible for maritime mobile stations licensed by that Administration.
Where can I find a complete list of AAIC (Accounting Authorities Identification Codes)?
The complete list of AAICs, recognized by the ITU, is published in the List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (List V). In order to procure this Service Publication, please contact our sales service.
The email address is:sales@itu.int.
Can you provide me with contact details of all Inmarsat accounting authorities?
Please contact Inmarsat for asistance.