ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Workshop on National Tables of Frequency Allocation (NTFA) for Region 1 (RR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20-23 May 2024

​​​​​​ ​​​The ​​International Teleco​mmunication Union​ (ITU) and the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) are jointly organizing the ITU-PRIDA Workshop on National Tables of Frequency Allocation (NTFA) for Region 1 (Radio Regulations), kindly hosted by Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MinT) from Ethiopia, in cooperation with the African Telecommunications Union​ (ATU). ​

This Workshop will be held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, over the period 20-23 May 2024​​ ​(please see the Draft programme, on​ Tab: Information). 


The lectures and discussions during this Workshop will be conducted in Arabic, English and French, with simultaneous interpretation (please note that some material such as presentations and software tools will be in English only).


​The Workshop’s ​​​documentation will be available on this page (please see Tab: Download Resources). Given the amount of practical work expected, participants are required to install the necessary tools on their laptops in advance; laptops should be able to perform the ​​set of minimal spe​cifications​. ​

Practical information for participants

All practical matters related to this event (venue, hotels, visas, etc.) will be available on this page (please see General Information” on Tab: Information). Mr Seyoum Mengesha (​


ITU Member States and Academia as well as ITU-R Sector Members and Associates from Region 1 (RR) are invited to attend this Workshop. Attendance is free-of-charge for their representatives. 

​​Advance registration of all participants is required. Registration will be carried out exclusively online and will require the approval of the corresponding Designated Focal Point (DFP) for ITU-R events registration. Participants will find the necessary information on registration at:​/en/I​TU-R/information/events​.​​​​​​ ​​​

We kindly encourage administrations to nominate staff directly involved on their NTFA management and, whether possible, to include at least one female.​


To encourage participation of developing countries and subject to availability of funds, one fellowship (or two partial ones) ​ may be granted per eligible Member State of Region 1 (RR). ​

​Member States are encouraged to select their candidates taking into consideration the inclusion of persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs, bearing in mind gender balance.​

​​To submit applications, please see the Fellowship section on this seminar website ​(on Tab: Information). Deadline for applications: 29​ April 2024 (23H59 Geneva time). Candidate Registration to the Workshop prior to submitting the fellowship request is mandatory.​​​