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3rd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation > Program 2019

​​​​​​​​3rd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation​
(​Geneva, Switzerland, 4 to 6 September 2019​)

Content Editor

Day 1 (Wednesday, 4 September 2019​)

08:00-09:30   -   Registration
09:30-10:15   -   Opening 
10:15-10:45   -   Break
10:45-12:00   -   Status of the overall preparations for RA-19, WRC-19 and CPM23-1 by the Regional Groups, the ITU and Egypt (host country) ​
Roundtable to exchange views on the status of the preparation and the priorities of the regional groups, as well as to provide information on the status of the preparation by the ITU and the host country. 
12:00-14:00   -   Lunch Break
14:00-15:15   -   Session 1**  ​ IMT related issues, agenda item (AI) 1.13 (band 24.25-27.5 GHz)  
15:15-15:45   -   Break
15:45-17:00   -   Session 2**   IMT related issues (Cont’d), AI 1.13 (other supported bands)
                                                 (plus information on AIs 9.1.1, 9.1.2 and 9.1.8)

Day 2 (Thursday, 5 September 2019​)

09:00-10:30    -    Session 3**   HAPS related issues, AI 1.14​ 
10:30-11:00    -    Break
11:00-12:00    -    Session 4**   WAS/RLAN related issues, AI 1.16​ 
                                                   (plus information on AIs 1.11, 1.12, 1.15 and 9.1.5)
12:00-14:00    -    Lunch Break​
14:00-15:30    -    Session 5**   Maritime related issues, AIs 1.8, 1.9.1, 1.9.2 
​(plus information on other issues in AIs 1.1,
                                                    1.10 and/or 9.1.4, as appropriate)​
15:30-16:00    -    Break 
16:00-17:00    -    Session 6**   Science related issues, AIs 1.2, 1.3 and/or 1.7  
                                                    (plus information on the other ones, as appropriate)​​  

Day 3 (Friday, 6 September 2019)​

09:00-10:00    -    Session 7**   ESIM (AI 1.5) & NGSO FSS (AI 1.6) related issues,
                                                    (plus information on AIs 1.4, 9.1.3 and 9.1.9)
10:00-10:30    -    Break
10:30​​​​​​​-12:00    -    Session 8**   Satellite regulatory issues, AIs 7 relevant issues (e.g. issues A, I)
                                                    (plus information on other AI 7 issues and AIs 9.1.7 and 9.3)
12:00-14:30    -    Lunch Break
14:30-15:30    -    Session 9**   Future WRC agenda items, AI 10​​ ​​
                                                    (plus information on the other AIs)​
15:30​-15:45    -     Break
15:45​-1​6​:30​    -    Conclusion and closing​

*   The timing and scope of the sessions may be changed if necessary and as appropriate. 
**  Roundtable to exchange views on the relevant part of the CPM Report and on the positions and proposals of the regional groups. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​