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ITU Regional Workshop for the CIS on Quality of Services Provided by Telecommunications/ICT Companies and Consumer Protection

ITU Regional Workshop for the CIS on Quality of Services Provided by
Telecommunications/ICT Companies and Consumer Protection
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 22-24 May 2013
The Regional Workshop for the CIS on Quality of Services Provided by Telecommunications/ICT Companies and Consumer Protection is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau and held in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, from 22-24 May 2013 at the kind invitation of the State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
This Workshop is intended for representatives from ministries, regulators, telecommunication operators, universities and other stakeholders of the ITU Member States, Sector Members and Associates from the CIS and Georgia.
The workshop aims to build skills of understanding the regulatory guidelines for effective technical measures of consumer protection, as well as measures against unsolicited communication of spamming or fraudulent character. Also, the workshop is to identify new challenges faced by consumers as well as policy makers and regulators with the advent of convergence and expansion on Internet broadband networks. The Workshop will cover issues such as: the role of the state in guaranteeing protection of rights of the telecommunications services consumers; legal regulation of quality of the services provided by telecommunications/ICT companies; issues of service quality with the advent of convergence of telecommunications and information technologies; technical and organizational aspects of telecommunications service quality assurance and control; international cooperation in the field of telecommunications service consumer protection.
Invitation letter (in Russian only)
Final Report (English/Russian)