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​The Philippines, with a population of 100 million, has over 20 million smokers.  The health consequences are significant, and several smoking cessation programs already exist, but the government recognizes that the high rate of mobile phone use – the number of phones in the Philippines exceeds the country’s population – provides an opportunity to channel information on the risks of tobacco use and on the benefits of quitting directly to those who need it.  An mTobacco Cessation program is being developed in consultation with Be He@lthy Be Mobile

The effort is aimed at helping smokers age 15 and older to quit.  It will be launched first in the country’s Marikina County, and then expanded nationally.  The program will be part of a broader strategy to reduce tobacco consumption.  Thus, it will complement existing efforts to increase the domestic supply of services and tools for smoking cessation.  And it will raise people’s awareness about the possibility of using their phones to obtain information and support for giving up tobacco.