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Coding Bootcamps: a Strategy for Youth Employment

​​Coding Bootcamps: a Strategy for Youth Employment (2016) ​

​​​ITU Digital Skills Toolkit

This report aims to put the spotlight on the coding bootcamp phenomenon as a trend that simultaneously offers promising solutions for the global technology talent shortage and as a strategy that could reduce youth unemployment. The report d​​​iscusses the short history of the bootcamp phenomenon, identifies the primary models in operation, reviews how they contribute to the employment path, and considers their potential to improve employment opportunities for youth (young men and women alike). 

In addition to their potential for generating jobs, coding bootcamps may also address the lack of women working in tech and ICT careers. Some coding bootcamps are succeeding in increasing the number of women graduates at much higher levels than traditional university computer science programmes. ​

Download the report: عربي - English - Français - Español - Русский - 中文.​​​