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TSAG - Structure
(Study Period 2017-2020)

AHG-GME TSAG ad hoc group on governance and management of e-meetings
RG-ResReview TSAG Rapporteur Group on the review of WTSA Resolutions
RG-SC TSAG Rapporteur Group on strengthening cooperation/ collaboration
RG-SOP TSAG Rapporteur Group on strategic and operational plan
RG-StdsStrat TSAG Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy
RG-WM TSAG Rapporteur Group on working methods
RG-WP TSAG Rapporteur Group on Work programme and study group structure

Focus Groups
FG-MV ITU-T Focus Group on metaverse
Established by TSAG in December 2022
Other groups under TSAG
CITS Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards
JCA-AHF Joint Coordination Activity-Accessibility and Human factors
Established in December 2007
JCA-DCC Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC)
Established by TSAG in October 2021
JCA-QKDN Joint Coordination Activity on Quantum Key Distribution Network (JCA-QKDN)
Established by TSAG in December 2022
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