Connect2Recover Projects in Africa

In Rwanda, a pilot on school connectivity with Giga (an ITU-UNICEF joint initiative) was successfully implemented.  Connect2Recover supported the provision of connectivity and solution to 5 of the 63 Giga phase 1 pilot schools connected in Rwanda in 2021. These 5 schools include one school hosting refugees, two nine years-based education schools, one twelve years basic education schools and one teacher training college.

In Zimbabwe, a resilience assessment was carried out to strengthen the telecommunications / ICT infrastructure for economic recovery and development. The assessment has been completed.

In Lesotho, Connect2Recover supported the workshop to enhance capacity building as part of the National CIRT Readiness Assessment. The transfer of knowledge to identify, respond, and manage cyber threats while simultaneously strengthening measures to enhance the cybersecurity posture, enhances the resilience of Lesotho. Further information can be found here.

In Gambia, Connect2Recover is supporting GovStack to conduct a deep dive workshop to ensure an in-depth understanding of GovStack principles, concepts, specifications, and architecture to improve the design capacity of government officials and local ecosystem players to develop trusted and interoperable digital government services using the Building Blocks approach. The deep-dive workshop was held from 20 to 22 February 2024. Further information can be found here.

In Rwanda, Connect2Recover supported the development of National Emergency Telecommunication Plan and an assessment of early warning system based on cell broadcast.

In Malawi, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in implementation the National Emergency Telecommunications Plan and conduct an assessment of early warning system based on cell broadcast. In addition, Connect2Recover also supported the Malawi National Workshop and the SADC Model NETP and Early Warnings for All (EW4All) workshop on 9-11 October 2024 in Lilongwe, Malawi. Further information on the SADC Model NETP and EW4All workshop can be found here.

In Zambia, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in implementing the National Emergency Telecommunications Plan and conducting an early warning system assessment based on cell broadcast.

In Seychelles, Connect2Recover supported the country in their preparation for the National Launch of Early Warnings for All (EW4All) particularly in Pillar 3 on “warning dissemination and communication” as well as in development of their national roadmap. In addition, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in conducting an assessment on early warning system based on cell broadcast.

In Botswana, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in conducting an assessment on early warning system based on cell broadcast.

In Cabo Verde, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in developing the National Emergency Telecommunications Plan framework.

In Gambia, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in developing the National Emergency Telecommunications Plan framework.

In Guinea Bissau, Connect2Recover is supporting the country in developing the National Emergency Telecommunications Plan framework.