Connect2Recover Projects

Connect2Recover has global, regional as well as national projects.

At the global level, the Connect2Recover methodology report was launched in October 2021 to provide guidance on the assessment of gaps and bottlenecks at a country level. Together with the Connect2Recover methodology, the Harmonizing Broadband Data Collection Across ITU Connectivity Initiatives provides processes, templates, and questionnaires for data collection at a country level. 

Connect2Recover’s mandate covers the Broadband Commission Working Group on Smartphone Access with Co-Chairs ITU, Vodafone and the UN Office of the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), to address the usage gap and affordability of smartphone and other devices. Consequently, the Broadband Commission Report ‘Strategies Towards Universal Smartphone Access‘ was published.

Connect2Recover also supports preparedness against natural hazards to strengthen the resilience of beneficiary countries. Digital transformation and early warning systems for saving lives – Background paper can be a useful reference.

Learn more about Connect2Recover regional projects

At the regional level, these are the projects for: