Page 41 - Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services
P. 41

Location Log Sheet
                 Team ID                                       started     Point in time when the sheet is started to be used
                 Team Leader                                   completed   Point in time when the sheet is full/completed
                 Location name                                 photographed  After completion, the sheet shall be photographed and the photo
                                                                           uploaded (e-mailed) to a given location
                                                               Sheet Photo
                 Date                                          uploaded    Checked after the sheet has been successfully e-mailed

                 INITIAL CHECK OF CONDITIONS AND MEASUREMENT SET-UP // After entering the location

                                Low Capability 1  Low Capability 2  Full Capability 1  Full Capability 2  Observer Phone
                 Phone ID
                 Time: (24h format)
                 RF level
                 Battery level
                 Charger connected?
                 Date/time correct
                 Network mode   2G only                  2G only                  LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect
                 Mobile data    disabled                disabled                enabled                                  enabled                                  enabled

                 REGULAR CHECKS // Remark: Regular checks should be scheduled approx. every 2 hours

                                Low Capability 1  Low Capability 2  Full Capability 1  Full Capability 2  Observer Phone
                 Phone ID
                 Time: (24h format)
                 RF level
                 (no network=0)
                 Battery level
                 Date/time correct
                 Network mode   2G only                  2G only                  LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect
                 Mobile data    disabled                disabled                enabled                                  enabled                                  enabled
                 RF level
                 (no network=0)
                 Battery level
                 Date/time correct
                 Network mode   2G only                  2G only                  LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect
                 Mobile data    disabled                disabled                enabled                                  enabled                                  enabled

                 FINAL CHECK OF CONDITIONS AND MEASUREMENT SET-UP // Before leaving  the location
                                Low Capability 1  Low Capability 2  Full Capability 1  Full Capability 2  Observer Phone
                 Phone ID
                 Time: (24h format)
                 RF level
                 (no network=0)
                 Battery level
                 Date/time correct
                 Network mode   2G only                  2G only                  LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect    LTE/3G/2G auto connect
                 Mobile data    disabled                disabled                enabled                                  enabled                                  enabled
                 SMS Backup executed

                                                                                        LID2575 Campaign Forms R02-V02.pdf
                               Methodology for measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Financial Services • 39
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