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Media Advisory

Power of innovative “Tech for Good” initiatives from around the world to be featured at WSIS 2018 in Geneva

Media Registration Now OPEN

Geneva, 29 January 2018
Tech has been named one of 2018's top 10 hottest issues within the humanitarian and development sectors. Developing countries are now using tech to leap-frog their development as they strive to bring new social and economic opportunities to their populations.

Innovative examples of "Tech for Good" will be featured and explored at this year's annual World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2018 (WSIS Forum, 19-23 March 2018). Key themes at this year's event include e-agriculture, e-health, e-education, gender equality, the environment, infrastructure and innovation.

Media registration is now open for WISIS 2018. All media are highly recommended to register, in order to receive key news announcements and changes to the schedule that may be distributed.

WSIS 2018 will showcase innovative examples of "Tech for Good" that countries, civil society and businesses are using to realize national and global development goals. It offers an opportunity for media to meet one-on-one with experts and to hear about and see first-hand the latest innovations in "Tech for Good", and includes:
  • Sessions – more than 200 specialized workshops and live events.
  • WSIS Prizes 2018 – a unique international contest recognizing outstanding initiatives that use tech to advance development
  • Hack Against Hunger – a 'hackathon' focusing on Ending Hunger, sponsored by FAO
  • Virtual Reality for development -- bringing together high-level personalities and world-class VR experiences with a special focus on VR's use and impact in advancing education
  • TEDxGeneva at WSIS Forum 2018 

WHEN: 19-23 March 2018

WHERE: ITU Headquarters & Geneva International Conference Centre, Switzerland

WHO: More than 2,500 participants, including 500 high-level policy-makers from 150+ countries, including government ministers and experts, civil society leaders, academics, business leaders and international organizations.

The event is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP and includes the participation of 28 additional UN bodies.


  ----------  MEDIA REGISTRATION ---------- 

UN-accredited media, simply email your full contact info.

All other media, simply register online.


Rita-Soraya Abino Quintana
Corporate Communications,
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Tel: +41 22 730 5424