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Members Communiqué

ITU and INDOTEL kick-off programme on spectrum management in the Dominican Republic

Expands regulatory framework technical assistance in the country

Geneva, 24 July 2018

ITU and the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL) have announced that they will work together to improve radio spectrum management in the Dominican Republic through the establishment and implementation of a National Radio Spectrum Management Policy.

The initiative expands an existing memorandum of understanding signed in 2017 between the two organizations to facilitate regulatory framework technical assistance in the country – in line with advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs).

"Supporting ITU Member States to set new or enhanced regulatory policies that facilitate their digital transformation is one of the most important services that ITU can provide to its members," said Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General. "This initiative demonstrates ITU's commitment to working in cooperation with ITU Member States to support them towards their digital transformation goals."

INDOTEL President Luis Henry Molina and ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Director Brahima Sanou led their respective teams in defining the expanded work of the agreement. This now incorporates specific activities planned for 2018, including a diagnosis of the situation of the country's ICT sector, and a set of guidelines in support of the Dominican Republic's telecommunications programme and its development towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Mr Molina said of the planned work, "In line with our national development strategy and digital transformation, the support from ITU for the reform of our regulatory framework will be of utmost importance to help us comply with the demands of the sector and overcome the challenges presented by new technologies."

"Through this partnership, ITU and INDOTEL will work closely together to harmonize the existing legislation with international best practices and adapt the country's regulatory framework to today's digital reality," said Brahima Sanou.