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Name : HILL, Richard
Date : November 06, 2020
Organization : Association for Proper Internet Governance
Country : Switzerland
Job Title : President

Contribution : ​Funding the rollout of national infrastructure and the cost of international connectivity have always been challenges for providing affordable Internet connectivity, particularly to remote and under-served areas. Either the private sector, or the public sector, or a combination of both must find sources of revenue to fund the rollout of infrastructure and the cost of international connectivity. It is now widely recognized that data is the “new oil”, that is, a new resource that is being exploited to create value and, unfortunately, to concentrate value in a few large companies. Some of that value should be tapped locally in order to provide the needed revenues for expanding Internet connectivity. A recent paper by IT for Change, reproduced below, well outlines what needs to be done in this respect at the national level.

Attachments : CWG-Internet 2020 ITforChange.pdf