Committed to connecting the world

Contribution View


Name : ROWE, Lindl
Date : December 26, 2019
Organization : The Department of Communications and the Arts, on behalf of the Australian Government
Country : Australia
Job Title : Director

Contribution : ​The Australian Government recognises that the Internet and new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs are enablers of sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. Emerging technologies are also increasing the reliance of our societies on digital connectivity for basic services and utilities, economic activity and information. This dependence introduces new opportunities, such as driving innovation and economic growth, as well as risks concerning the pace of adoption, privacy and cyber security. The Australian Government addresses these opportunities and risks by engaging in multi stakeholder partnerships to encourage growth and innovation, and by making significant investments in our region through programs to deliver activities to improve access, capacity development and cyber security assistance. The Australian Government has also invested in new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs by implementing a strategy to support the rollout and use of 5G, and by establishing a 5G Working Group to raise awareness of the opportunities this technology offers. Similarly, to support large scale Internet of Things (IoT) projects, all levels of government in Australia have fostered investment in IoT projects through public-private partnerships. Benefitting from the opportunities that the Internet can provide as an enabler of sustainable development and economic growth will only be possible if the fundamental aspects of the Internet’s success, including global interoperability and multi-stakeholder governance, continue to be maintained and strengthened. The Australian Government supports activities that increase awareness, opportunity, and capacity development regarding Internet and telecommunications/ICTs to support these values.

Attachments : CWG-Internet Open Consultation 2019-2020 (Australia Government input).docx