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Name : RAYAMAJHI, Shiva
Date : January 15, 2016
Organization : MyRight Nepal
Country : Nepal
Job Title : Country Coordinator-Operations

Contribution : - What are the different challenges facing persons with disabilities and specific needs (e.g. lack of ICT skill sets etc.) in accessing and using the Internet? * Internet are not affordable (poor condition), not available (power issues), and accessible (for example to blinds, low vision) and also language issues (English is mainly used however cannot be read by all ). Also not having such documents in sign language and pictorial form. This also includes not availability of computer or electronic devices along side of internet use skills. Even if the internet is there, not all the resources or targeted resources are available. * Not having sufficient word signs in Sign Language - What possible approaches and examples of good practices are available to address these challenges? * Not much, however few, for example MVDA software that converts text to voice, and another Netrabani a kinds of Nepali software that speaks the 'input' in the mobile or other electronic devices. In the India conference, it was presented that, for example, pictorial reading materials are prepared and uploaded in the internet, and children with ID and Autism can follow those materials and use for their study. In few countries, they have adopted sign to text-voice and vice versa software for the use of deaf persons. - What are the gaps in addressing these challenges and how can these gaps be filled? * Not having government's priority not there is ample lobby and advocacy from the DPOs as well. - What is the role of governments in addressing these challenges and gaps?" * Government need to adopt/import International softwares and emerging technologies and domesticate into its own language. * Need to make its all websites accessible to people with disabilities. * Need to define this as one of the priority area. Particularly in education, internet based education system would contribute a lot to educate people with disabilities. * Need to have ICT based teaching, for example people with disabilities can download and use books, reference materials etc. (Blind can listen and deaf can see the signs) * Government also need to invest to develop new technologies and softwares. * Training to people with disabilities on ICT skills alongside of methods and materials.