Committed to connecting the world

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Date : August 18, 2021
Organization : IGF recognized Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies
Country : United Kingdom
Job Title : Founder & Coordinator

Contribution : ​A Quality Internet is critical for times of crisis, for risk monitoring and prediction of events for public health et al. Quality internet is key to providing success for telemedicine for All in a timely, purposeful and relevant manner. Quality in all its forms from access to data and sharing, to purposeful devices, including wearables, to supply chain logistics management with smart contracts and blockchain. AI, MI, Quantum for medical research and patient privacy, to security and privacy in a fair and inclusive manner that reduces the Digital Health Gap is going to be key for future economic sustainability and resiliency. For citizen health as well as for other economic activities, such as agriculture, business, education, safety, public engagement and policy making, climate change togetherness, crisis management for poverty and food, as well as for fair dispute resolution, maintenance of statistics, for good economic analysis (Reference: Efficient Market Hypothesis / trend to perfect Information) and overall good governance measures.

Attachments : Submission by Amali De Silva-Mitchell for Open Consultation 2021 Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet).pdf