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Contribution View

Name : PONCE, Juan Pablo
Date : October 05, 2016
Organization : Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society (MINTEL)
Country : Ecuador
Job Title : Director of Governmental Infraestructure and Technical Standards

Contribution : 1. What are the elements of an enabling environment to promote Internet connectivity?
- Facilities for access to information and knowledge.
- Have a regulatory environment and framework for Open Data access.
- Establish Broadband National Plans.
- Have a National Frequency Plan with an efficient frequency allocation.
- Promote public-private partnerships.
- Promote research, development and transfer of technology to stimulate connectivity through low costs.
- Establish policies aimed at controlling data.

2. What are the elements of an enabling environment to promote an affordable Internet? 
- Policies that promote broadband and are aimed at meeting the objectives for the adoption and growth of the Internet.
- Government support for the creation of a regulatory and legal environment to support investment in telecommunications infrastructure

3. What are the elements of an enabling environment to promote the quality of access to the Internet?
- The establishment of basic quality parameters measured through indicators which are regularly reported.
- Follow-up to the claims made by the service user measuring quality and warmth parameters
- Boost government policies that enable suppliers to implement better technology
- Drive massive awareness campaigns of users rights for telecommunications services

4. What are the elements of an enabling environment to build confidence and security in the use of the Internet?
- Regulate the implementation of minimum safety standards that must be matched to the more strict ones that can be found internationally 
- Implementation of tools such as antivirus, antimalware, filtering spam, point to point encryption, among others, as part of the value added suppliers to deliver to provide services
- Implementing awareness campaigns on the different types of fraud and cybercrime, so that citizens know what they are facing and how to act towards it.

5. What is the role of Governments in building an enabling environment?
- Government authorities have an important role to create an environment with suitable, optimal and conditions for access to effective internet by the population, taking into account key factors such as: legal frameworks, price regulation according to the type and quality service , security environments trusted by users, regulation and control of profits generated by businesses and investment in infrastructure to improve services.
- Generate and promote meetings and innovation processes, including digital literacy, to shorten the digital divide, generate public policies towards broadening the coverage of services such as access to internet, digital, satellite or cable television, telephone fixed and mobile, especially in rural or remote areas to big cities. This will be a priority task for the authorities, especially in developing countries, in which these factors will positively influence growth.

Attachments : INFORME.PDF.pdf