Committed to connecting the world

Contribution View

Name : HERNÁNDEZ WOCKER, Juan Carlos
Date : September 22, 2016
Organization : Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones
Country : México
Job Title : General Coordinator of International Affairs

Contribution : The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) is an autonomous body, which aims to the efficient development of telecommunications and broadcasting, it is thus, be responsible for regulating, promoting, and supervising the use, enjoyment and exploitation of the radio spectrum, the infrastructure, the networks and the provision of such services. Also, the Institute is the authority in terms of economic competition in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors, as well as the authority in terms of technical guidelines related to infrastructure and equipment connected to telecommunications networks, and for the homologation and conformity assessment of such infrastructure and equipment. Considering the aforementioned, the Federal Telecommunications Institute submits the following contribution for its consideration in the Open Consultation “Building an enabling environment for access to the Internet”.

Attachments : IFT México - Open consultation 2016.docx