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Contribution View

Name : MUSEMINALI, Vincent
Date : September 22, 2016
Organization : RURA
Country : Rwanda
Job Title : Internet Governance Officer

Contribution : The elements of an enabling environment to promote Internet connectivity are the following: 1. Putting in pace clear policies, laws and regulations, 2. Develop and implement ICT infrastructure, applications and contents programs. The elements of an enabling environment to promote an affordable Internet are the following: 1. To put in place Policies and laws 2. Market liberalization to promote the competition in the sector 3. To set up mechanisms to foster the broadband demand 4. To promote and support the development and deployment of appropriate technologies, services & content ensuring non-discrimination 5. To subsidise the telecommunication services in rural and underserved areas 6. To develop the community access centres 7. To implement ICT Infrastructure sharing mechanism 8. To cooperate and implement mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels for the initiation and promotion of partnerships among stakeholders of the Information Society. The elements of an enabling environment to promote the quality of access to the Internet are the following: 1. Deployment of fiber optic network up to community level, and coverage of the country with broadband networks. 2. Develop the regulatory framework for quality of services for mobile and fixed framework and broadband services; 3. To acquire the quality of services tools to monitor the quality of services; 4. Develop the guideline for Internet access and minimum requirement for broadband internet access; 5. To acquired the spectrum Management and Monitoring System. 6. To manage the country code top level domains locally. 7. To keep local contentment locally through the Internet Exchange Point The elements of an enabling environment to build confidence and security are the following: 1. To develop the policy and strategy for cyber security 2. To implement the key cyber security projects 3. To implement the Computer Security Incidences response team (CSIRT) 4. To forge the national, continental/regional cooperation for cyber security incidences handling 5. To develop the cybercrime law 6. Cyber Security Capacity Building and Awareness program The role of Governments in building an enabling environment is mainly the liberalization of the market through policies, legal and regulatory frameworks that support effective competition. The Government allocates and assign spectrum, facilitates access to rights of ways and open access to critical infrastructure. The Government has also the role to attract investors, provide equal opportunities to all operators on the market and give the autonomy to the ICT regulator. Government further sensitizes the population through digital literacy campaign, to use the internet and facilitates the provision of low-cost user devices and creates e-government applications and digital content that foster the use of internet. The Government also monitors the quality of Internet services and supports secure e-transactions.

Attachments : RWANDA CWG INTERNET OCTOBER 2016.doc