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Name : MANNER, Jennifer
Date : September 09, 2016
Organization : EchoStar Corporation and Hughes Network Systems
Country : United States of America
Job Title : Senior Vice President

Contribution : EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation and Hughes Network Systems, LLC (Hughes) (collectively EchoStar) respectfully submit these comments in response to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Council Working Group on Internet’s (“CWG”) consultation on Building an Enabling Environment for Access to the Internet. As the ITU has recognized, it is important for regulatory agencies and service providers to build an environment that enables access to the Internet. A favorable regulatory framework will enable access to broadband to the world’s citizens. As discussed below, any approach that is adopted must ensure that all technologies are available to meet the important goal of delivering access to the internet to all the world’s citizens. As the CWG considers how best to build an enabling environment for access to the Internet, it is critical that it adopt regulations based on the following core principles which are fundamental to improving global Internet access: 1. Technology neutrality 2. Creation of a competitive telecommunications market 3. A light touch to regulation 4. Fair and non-discriminatory access to scare resources, including spectrum 5. Relying on best practices to ensure network security Reliance on these principles will ensure that broadband internet is available globally to the world’s citizens, even in the most hard to reach areas.

Attachments : EchoStar HNS Comments 9 9 16 Final.pdf