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Name : PALHARES, Leonardo
Date : August 29, 2017
Organization : Câmara Brasileira de Comércio Eletrônico
Country : Brazil
Job Title : President

Contribution : The provision of Internet-based services, known as “over-the-top” (“OTT”), which, currently, does not have a widely used or accepted definition, is of increasing importance in the rapidly evolving information and communication technology industry, and of great value for consumers and businesses. It is important to put forth that while the ITU plays an important role in setting technical telecommunications network standards, internet-based services do not fall within any part of ITU’s remit and core activity. As a matter of fact, consultations regarding these services are underway in other institutions, including manifold organizations in which ITU entities are encouraged to participate in. And, although we welcome the opportunity to participate in this relevant discussion, ITU’s focus should remain in developing standards for telecommunications services, rather than delving in issues already being capably addressed by other organizations.

Attachments : Camara-e.net_Public Consultation - UIT - OTTs Regulation_29ago17.pdf