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Contribution View


Name : PURDON, Craig
Date : August 29, 2017
Organization : Communications Alliance Ltd
Country : Australia
Job Title : Project Manager

Contribution : The Communications Alliance believes it is important for all stakeholders to have their views heard on internet issues and therefore welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the ITU Council Working Group on Internet’s open consultation on OTT services. OTT services are increasing in popularity and, in Australia, access to this content is supported by the communication industry’s continued investment in infrastructure including 4G (and soon 5G) mobile networks and the rollout of the Australian national broadband network. The Communications Alliance supports competitive neutrality between traditional network operators and service providers and new OTT providers. We support a level playing field for regulation, but regulation should not be at the expense of innovation of investment in new services or products. We consider that there are opportunities for existing regulation to be amended or replaced with self-regulatory mechanisms such as industry codes. The Communications Alliance appreciates the important role the ITU plays in allocating global radio spectrum and satellite orbs, developing the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly connect, and improving access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide. We do not support the ITU’s work program expanding to include internet issues beyond its mandate, and we believe that the ITU is not the appropriate place for the development of OTT regulation.

Attachments : Comms Alliance ITU public policy considerations for OTT submission.pdf