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Eva Vinje Aurdal
Mayor, Ålesund, Norway

Eva Vinje Aurdal was was elected the mayor for Ålesund in October 2015. She represents «Arbeiderpartiet», the Norwegian Labour party. Since 2004, she has been a member of Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune, the county council. In two different periods, she has served as a deputy representative to the Norwegian Parliament.

Currently, in addition to being the mayor of Ålesund, she is the leader of the interim board responsible for creating a new municipality through the merger of five existing municipalities (Haram, Sandoy, Skodje, Orskog, Ålesund). The board has five politically elected members from each participating municipality. This merger is the largest by far in Norway. The consolidation of municipalities is part of a national reform initiated by the Norwegian government. One of the recent policy initiatives of the new municipality is the integration of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: avoid plastic bags to keep the oceans safe and clean.        
Cristina Bueti ​
Counsellor, ITU​-T Study Group 20 

Cristina Bueti is the ITU Focal Point on Environment and Smart Sustainable Cities. She is also the Counsellor of ITU-T Study Group 20 “Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C)” at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). She also serves as TSB/ITU focal point for Latin America. Cristina Bueti graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, Law and International Cooperation and Development of the University of Florence, where she completed postgraduate studies in International Cooperation and Telecommunications Law in Europe. She ​also holds a specialization in Environmental Law with a special focus on Telecommunications. In 2003, Ms. Bueti built on her academic credentials by completing a specialized course in peace keeping and international cooperation with special focus on telecommunications at the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, before joining the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva in January 2004. As part of the International Women's Day 2016, she was named as one of the twenty Geneva-based inspirational women working to protect the environment. She has authored over 40 reports on telecommunication issues. A native Italian speaker, Cristina is also fluent in English, French and Spanish.
​​Kari Aina Eik
Secretary General, OiER, Leader, U4SSC Implementation Program

Secretary General of the Organization for International Economic Relations, Austria, Vienna and Leader of the UN`s United for Smart and Sustainable Cities U4SSC Implementation Program which is supporting cities, regions and communities worldwide in identifying needs, finding sustainable solutions, partnerships and investments​. Vice Chair of the ITUFocus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE). Board member of the World Council for SDG 11.​​
​​Ole Helge Haugen
Head, Sustainability Møre and Romsdal County

Ole Helge Haugen is leading the “Sustainable Møre and Romsdal” program where all 26 municipalities in the county have measured their SDG performance using the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This is the first time this has been done in a whole region, and this groundbreaking work has been done in close cooperation with OiER/United Cities and ITU. The main goal of the project is to get a common starting point in achieving the SDGs, coordinating the public and private sector. Both process and results are published in a comprehensive report, and several other counties in Norway have embraced this “regional model” in their effort to achieve the SDGs. Ole Helge has a master degree in public administration and a degree in statistics and economics, he has been heading the department of statistics and planning in Møre and Romsdal County administration for two decades.
​​​Arne Ingebrigtsen​
CMO, Kristiansund 

Arne Ingebrigtsen is the Chief Municipal Executive in the city of Kristiansund. Previously an entrepreneur from the private sector with awards in Europe Fast 500 and several Norwegian awards. Now innovating the Norwegian public sector. Established the first municipal master plan in Norway based on the UN SDGs. Kristiansund won the DOGA service design award, European Public Service Awards Nominee, the Farmand price and several others after innovating the city’s services under his leadership. His expertise lies in the area where technology meets its beneficiary.
​​​​Bilel Jamoussi
Chief of Study Group Department, TSB, ITU

Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries. Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
​ ​Joel Alexander Mills
CEO, Offshore Simulator Centre (OSC), Augment City 

Industrial Designer by background, Joel is a consummate champion for the power of the visual, and how simulation and complex data visualization that is elegant and human centered can transform how people see and engage in innovation, the world around us, and life itself. After running several successful businesses, he accepted the role CEO of Norway’s crown jewel, Offshore Simulator Centre (OSC). Shortly thereafter, towards driving the exponential growth of OSC simulation capabilities, Joel launched “AugmentCity” as a daughter company translating offshore simulation and visualizing technology into smart and sustainable cities. This has opened a new chapter together with United Cities and a range of private and public partners to catapult progress towards cities evolving as the engines to realize UN Sustainable Development Goals deploying digital simulation to bring our future – back into now.  Joel also holds the role as Co Chairman on the United Nations ITU focus group for Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE). As well as being a guest lecturer at Harvard University and Norwegian University of Science and technology (NTNU) and exam Moderator for NTNU, Joel is also board member of a number of other companies.
Kristian Mjöen
Head, UN Centre of Excellence by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Dr Mjoen has a background as a management scholar, consultant and entrepreneur. His work has revolved around public sector innovation, and he draws on this experience in his work on implementing the sustainable development goals in cities. He currently heads the Centre for Sustainable Development in Trondheim, Norway, recognised as a UN Centre of Excellence by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Kris co-founded and serves as a board member at the United Cities organisation, as well as heading the first national UN United for Smart and Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) implementation project, currently under way in Norway. ​
