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Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting and 
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities 
(Geneva, 9-18 April 2019)

Numbers and other links
Main discussions and results
At its meeting in Geneva, 9-18 April 2019, ITU-T Study Group 20 achieved the following outcomes:​
Appointment of Vice-chairman from Japan
TD1197 contains a Letter from Japan requesting to consider the appointment of Mr Toru Yamada as new Vice-chairman representing Japan. Mr Yamada was appointed as Vice-chairman of ITU-T SG20.

Major accomplishments:
Approval of the report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting
The report of the last ITU-T SG20 meeting held in Wuxi, China, 3-13 December 2018 was approved as contained in Report 6.

Recommendations consented by ITU-T SG20 for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The ITU-T SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to 5 draft new ITU-T Recommendations for Last Call, according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. N​u​mber Draft new/revised
Rec. No.
Title Question TD
Requirements and capabilities of user-centric work space service
Requirements and capability framework of Smart Environmental Monitoring
Architectural reference model of devices for IoT applications
Assessment Framework for digital transformation of sectors in smart cities

Agreed informative texts

​​ITU-T Sup. Nu​mber
Question Draft Supplement for agreement ​Title​ ​​TD
Y.Suppl.54 to ITU-T Y.4000 series5/20​​Supplement Y.HEP​Framework for Home Environment Profiles and Levels of IoT Systems​ TD1228-R2

Draft Recommendations for (TAP) Determination (Resolution 1)
The SG20 meeting determined 1 draft new ITU-T Recommendation​

​​ITU-T Rec. Number

QuestionWork item or provisional name
​ ​​TD 


Requirements and functional architecture of smart residential community

New work items

TD reference Question
Working title Title
[A.1 TD1256-R1]
Requirements and reference model of IoT related data from city infrastructure
[including A.1]
Protocols of supporting autonomic operations in the Internet of things
[A.1 TD1282]
Requirements and reference architecture of smart education
[A.1 TD1295]
Framework of blockchain-based self-organization networking in IoT environments
[A.1 TD1298]

Requirements and functional architecture for smart construction site services

[A.1 TD1302]
Requirements and functional architecture of base station inspection services using unmanned aerial vehicles
[A.1 TD1308]
Requirements and Functional Architecture of Smart Fire Smoke Detection Service
The full list of contributions can be found in TD1158.​

List of stale work items
TSB provided information on the list of stale work items as contained in TD1199. The Rapporteur of the concerned Question was encouraged to discuss this work item during their sessions and take appropriate action when needed. The table below provides information on the results of the discussions concerning the stale work items.

​Provisional name

​Most recent reference
​Most recent reference
Action taken
​Security, interoperability and identification aspects for low power wide area (LPWA) systems​6/20TD406-GEN

Action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016) (ICTs for e-health services; IoT and smart cities and communities for global development)
TD1171 contains a proposed Action Plan for the implementation of Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016). ITU-T SG20 members have been requested to provide inputs and review it at the next SG20 meeting. 

Map of Working Party Meeting reports 

Meeting Report & Work Programme TD1168-R3

Work Programme

The updated work programme can be found here.

Newcomers' session
The newcomers' session took place on Wednesday 10 April 2019. Mr Marco Carugi, Q2/20 Rapporteur and ITU-T SG20 Mentor delivered the following presentations:
​Summary of Questions' Results

Working Party 1/20

Question 1/20 –"End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&C" summary
The Associate Rapporteur of Q1/20 (Mr Chao Ma) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1151-R6.
Question 1/20 discussed 5 Contributions, one liaison statement and one e-meeting report. During the meeting, Q1/20 agreed to start one new draft Recommendation on Y.rrm-data “Requirements and reference model of IoT related data from city infrastructure". Q1/20 progressed on two ongoing draft Recommendations, ITU-T Y.infra “Overview of city infrastructure" and ITU-T Y.SC OpenData “Framework of Open Data in Smart Cities". At the meeting, Q1/20 produced 6 output documents, one initial baseline text of a new draft Recommendation (including its A.1 form justification), two revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations and one outgoing liaison statement.

The meeting report of Q1/20 (TD1161-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 2/20 – "Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals" summary
The Rapporteur of Q2/20 (Mr Marco Carugi) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1152-R7.
The Q2/20 meeting addressed 26 Contributions. The objectives for this meeting were to progress all existing related work items. No new work items proposals were received at this meeting. The Question made progress on fourteen ongoing draft Recommendations and two ongoing draft Supplements.

Q2/20 experts agreed to submit two draft Recommendations for consent to WP1/20 closing plenary, which are ITU-T Y.SEM “Requirements and capability framework of Smart Environmental Monitoring" and ITU-T Y.UCS-Reqts “Requirements and capabilities of user-centric work space service". Concerning Suppl. Y.SCC-Use-Cases, the meeting agreed to postpone the agreement target to the next ITU-T SG20 meeting planned to be held in November 2019. It was discussed that additional enhancements are expected to be made in terms of current content as well as to incorporate new content. Additionally, three outgoing liaison statements were agreed for submission to the WP1/20 closing plenary.

An initial Q2/20 brainstorming session was held on 12 April 2019 to informally exchange on the “Future of Q2/20". During the session, it was discussed the medium-long term perspective related to the SG20 preparation towards the next ITU-T Study Period 2021-2024.

The meeting report of Q2/20 (TD1162-R1) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 3/20 – "Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of Service" summary
The Rapporteur of Q3/20 (Ms Shane He) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1153-R4.
The meeting considered in total 23 contributions and 12 incoming liaison statements which were related to Q3/20. According to the contributions and discussion, 13 ongoing work items (WIs) made good progress. During the meeting, it was agreed to send two draft Recommendations to the WP1/20 meeting for consent. Two new WIs were discussed, and it was agreed to send one work item with the A.1 justification as a new work item to WP1/20 closing plenary meeting for approval. Furthermore, four outgoing liaison statements were drafted and sent to the WP1/20 closing plenary meeting.

WP1/20 discussed the oneM2M Security document submitted for consent. Several members expressed some concerns related to the text of the Draft Recommendation. In particular, the Russian Administration highlighted several concerns reflected in a written statement that they requested to be included in the WP1/20 meeting report (see section 9).
The WP1/20 concluded not to consent this work item in this meeting and that this work item would be transferred to Q6/20 which will discuss this matter in future meetings.
The meeting report of Q3/20 (TD1163-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 4/20 – "e/Smart services, applications and supporting platforms" summary
The Rapporteur of Q4/20 (Mr Gyu Myoung Lee) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1154-R4. Question 4/20 received and discussed 16 contributions and agreed on five new work items. At the meeting, Q4/20 produced 21 output documents including the meeting report.

During the sessions, Q4/20 experts discussed the comments received on two draft Recommendations during the AAP period and the results are the following:

- Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4556 (ex.Y.SC-Residential) “Requirements and functional architecture of smart residential community": the meeting agreed to this draft Recommendation with some modifications as contained in TD1223-R1. It was decided to defer the request of changing the approval process from AAP to TAP to the SG20 plenary. Following discussions the SG20 plenary agreed to change the approval process from AAP to TAP. 

- Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4458 (ex.Y.SSL) “Requirements and functional architecture of smart street light service": the meeting reached the agreement of this draft Recommendation with some modifications on the definition of “SSL service" as contained in TD1227.

The meeting report of Q4/20 (TD1164-R1) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Working Party 2/20

Question 5/20 – "Research and emerging technologies, terminology and definitions" summary
The Rapporteur of Q5/20 (Mr Sébastien Ziegler) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1155-R4.
The draft Supplement Y.HEP (TD1228-R2) “Framework for Home Environment Profiles and Levels of IoT Systems" was revised and proposed for agreement during the meeting.

The Q5/20 meeting discussed and proposed solutions to address all the comments received in Last Call of AAP for Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4051 “Vocabulary for smart cities and Communities". The Additional Review text is available in TD1235.
The meeting report of Q5/20 (TD1165-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.
Question 6/20 – "Security, privacy, trust and identification for IoT and SC&C" summary
The Rapporteur of Q6/20 (Mr Abdulhadi AbouAlmal) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1156-R11.
Draft Recommendation entitled ITU-T Y.IoT-DA-Counterfeit" Information management digital architecture to combat counterfeiting in IoT", included in TD1229-R2, has been submitted for consent at this meeting following the AAP process.

The AAP LC Comments on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4459 "An architecture for IoT interoperability" were discussed and the documents are available as TD1271-R1 and TD1232-R3 (revised text and working table for AR text preparation), and working table on topics related to general comments discussions (TD1270-R1). However, there was no agreement on the additional review text of this draft Recommendation and the discussion was deferred to WP2/20 closing plenary and then to the SG20 plenary.It was agreed to hold at least 2 e-meetings and 1 physical meeting in July 2019 to produce an Additional Review text acceptable to all concerned parties.

The meeting report of Q6/20 (TD1166-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.      
Question 7/20 – "Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities" summary
The Co-Rapporteurs of Q7/20 (Mr Okan Geray and Mr Keng Li) opened the discussions and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1157-R6.

Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AFDTS (TD1286-R1) “Assessment framework for digital transformation of sectors in smart cities", has been submitted for consent at this meeting, following the AAP process.

The AAP LC Comments on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4904 "Smart Sustainable Cities Maturity Model" were addressed and resolved through detailed discussions during the meeting. The output text is available in TD1288 for Additional Review in AAP.

The meeting report of Q7/20 (TD1167-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP2/20.

Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)
The complete list of planned meetings and e-meetings can be found at:

Updates in the ITU-T SG20 management team and Rapporteurs
During the SG20 Opening Plenary and further to the request of Japan (see TD1197), Mr Toru Yamada was appointed as Vice-chairman of SG20 in the place of Mr Takafumi Hashitani. The SG20 Chairman thanked Mr Hashitani for his hard work and investment in the work of SG20 and welcomed Mr Yamada to the management team.

During the Closing Plenary, upon request of General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post of the Ministry of Digital Policy Telecommunications and Media of Greece, Mr Leonidas Anthopoulos was appointed as Co-rapporteur of Q5/20 (see TD1220).

Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM)
The FG-DPM Chairman presented the report of the 6th meeting of the FG-DPM (Seoul, Korea (Rep. of), 14-18 January 2019 as in TD1140. A number of iLS were also presented by the FG-DPM Chairman:

The report of the seventh meeting of FG-DPM (Geneva, 3-7 April 2019) was also noted by the meeting as contained in TD1224. . An LS to TSAG on the completed deliverables was sent as in TD1312-R1.​

ITU-T SG20 Regional Groups
ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (ITU-T SG20RG-EECAT)
The report of the SG20RG-EECAT meeting, 26-28 February 2019 (Minsk, Belarus) was presented as in TD1201.

ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for Latin America (SG20RG-LATAM)
The confirmation of the appointment of Ms Katrina Naut from Dominican Republic as SG20RG-LATAM Vice-chairman as in TD1217-R1 was noted by the meeting.

Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (JCA-IoT and SC&C) 
The twenty first meeting of the JCA-IoT and SC&C took place on 10 April 2019 under the Chairmanship of Mr Hyoung Jun Kim and Mr Fabio Bigi. All the meeting documents can be found here. The Final Report of the 21th JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting can be found here (also TD1323).

The JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting decided to set up a drafting group, under SG20, to discuss the ToR of the Joint IEC-ISO-ITU Smart Cities Task Force (jca-iotscc-i-390).The drafting group produced a revision of the ToR (TD1301), SG20 subsequently reviewed the ToR as contained in TD1301-R1​. It was agreed to send an LS to TSAG for information.

Collaboration matters and information sharing
The following TDs were presented and noted during the SG20 opening plenary:
Promotion activities and bridging the standardization gap​
The following TDs were presented and noted during the ITU-T SG20 opening plenary:               
​Additionally ITU-T SG20 experts were informed of past events that took place after the last ITU-T SG20 meeting (Wuxi, China, 3-13 December 2018):
​​Future events and dates of next ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting, FG-DPM and Regional Group meetings:​