Committed to connecting the world

Third Mini-Workshop on Immersive Live Experience (ILE)

​​Date and venue 

Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central, Macao, 24 October 2017, 1630-1830 hours (during the ITU-T SG16 meeting)

​Scope and Background

Recently, some of huge sport events and music concerts are not only broadcasted, but also considered to be delivered remote sites for public viewing or live viewing in order to share emotion by audiences in remote sites as if they were in main event venues. ITU-T SG16 established new Question 8/16 for Immersive Live Experience (ILE) to study the subject and adopted the following working definition for ILE:

Immersive Live Experience (ILE): the shared viewing experience which stimulates emotions within audiences at both the event site and remote sites, as if the ones at remote sites wandered into substantial event site and watched actual events in front of them, from high-realistic sensations brought by a combination of multimedia technologies such as sensorial information acquisition, media processing, media transport, media synchronization and media presentation.

On the current public viewing or live viewing services, however, realistic experience caused by flat displays has limitations. In order to provide high-realistic sensations to audiences at remote sites in anywhere of the world at the same time of events, it needs to implement Immersive Live Experience (ILE), which can reconstruct event sites virtually with presenting real-sized objects, sound direction and lighting by transmitting environmental information together with audio and video streams.

There are several kind of immersive services and technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 360-dgree view cameras/displays, 3D projection mapping, 4K/8K displays, and so on. Some of them are already standardized or currently underway on standardization work, thus, ITU-T has to identify standardization gaps for future standardization work in ITU-T SG16. 

ITU-T held the 1st workshop on ILE to clarify the ILE services and technologies as the first step in September 2016 and the 2nd workshop to exchange information related to immersive services and technologies between several organizations in January 2017.

The main objective of the 3rd workshop is to identify standardization gaps related to immersive services. In order to achieve this objective, this workshop will cover the introduction of technologies related to immersive services and standardization status iin other SDOs, and will discuss future collaborative work.​


1630-1640 hours Opening Session
1640-1820 hours Mo​derator: Hoerim CHOI (KT)
​​​1820-1830 hours Closing Session