Executive summary: Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 12 (Performance, Quality of Service, Quality of Experience), Geneva, 7-16 May 2019
Note: This is not an official record and is subject to correction or modification
ITU-T Study Group 12 held its fifth meeting of the study period in Geneva, 7-16 May 2019. The meeting was attended by
116 participants from 46 countries. 25 delegates exclusively used the remote participation facilities.
The meeting received
76 Contributions and handled
180 TDs. Delegates reviewed
53 incoming Liaison statements and adopted
18 outgoing Liaison statements.
One Recommendation was determined, and eleven Recommendations were consented (4 new, 5 revised, 1 Amendment, 1 Corrigendum) by the meeting (see below for details). The meeting agreed on one informative Amendment.
A webinar (announcement |
recording |
slides) was held on 16 May 2019 following the closing plenary, summarizing key meeting results.
Major accomplishments
Completed work - Traditional Approval Process (TAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Question |
Reference |
New/Rev |
Title |
TSB Circular |
E.805 | 12/12 |
TD891R2 | New | Strategies to establish quality regulatory frameworks | forthcoming |
Completed work - Alternative Approval Process (AAP)
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Question |
Reference |
New/Rev |
Title |
AAP/Last Call |
E.806 | 12/12 |
TD837R4 | New | Measurement campaigns, monitoring systems and sampling methodologies to monitor the QoS in mobile networks | AAP-59 |
G.107.1 | 15/12 |
TD879 | Rev | Wideband E-model | AAP-59 |
G.107.2 | 15/12 |
TD877 | New | Fullband E-model | AAP-59 |
G.1028 | 11/12 |
TD826R1 | Rev | End-to-end quality of service for voice over 4G mobile networks | AAP-59 |
G.1028.2 | 12/12 |
TD821R2 | New | Assessment of the LTE circuit switched fall back - impact on voice QoS | AAP-59 |
P.10/G.100 Amd.1 | 2/12 | TD869 | Amd | Vocabulary for performance, quality of service and quality of experience - Amendment 1: New definitions for inclusion in Recommendation ITU-T P.10/G.100 | AAP-59 |
P.64 | 5/12 | TD868R1 | Rev | Determination of sensitivity/frequency characteristics of local telephone systems | AAP-59 |
P.700 | 5/12 |
TD892R3 | New | Calculation of loudness for speech communication | AAP-59 |
P.863.1 | 9/12 |
TD829R2 | Rev | Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863 | AAP-59 |
P.1201.2 Cor.2 | 14/12 |
TD906 | Cor | Parametric non-intrusive assessment of audiovisual media streaming quality – Higher resolution application area - Corrigendum 2 | AAP-59 |
Y.1540 | 17/12 |
TD872R2 | Rev | Internet protocol data communication service – IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters | AAP-59 |
Completed work - Agreement
ITU-T Rec. No. |
Question |
Reference |
New/Rev |
Title |
Level |
G.113 Amd.2 | 11/12 |
TD878 | Amd | Transmission impairments due to speech processing - Amendment 2: New Appendix V – Provisional planning values for the fullband equipment impairment factor and the fullband packet loss robustness factor | SG12 plenary |
New work items
SG12 established work items for new Recommendations on the following topics:
(1) QoE assessment of eXtended Reality (XR) meetings (P.QXM);
(2) Guide for development of machine learning based solutions (P.MLGuide);
(3) Extension of the E-model for wireless communication systems (G.EEMWCS);
(4) Methodology for QoE testing of digital financial services (P.DFSm); and
(5) QoE metrics for mobile telephony communication during rail travel (G.RTM).
WTSA matters
Implementation of
WTSA Resolution 95 (ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality) is progressing.
The web page containing information on a questionnaire released by SG12 on the status of national quality regulatory frameworks, as well as country case studies and SG12 activities to implement the Resolution was updated, see
In response to WTSA-16 Resolution 95, SG12 determined draft new Recommendation ITU-T E.805 – Strategies to establish quality regulatory frameworks (ex E.RQUAL), and consented draft new Recommendation ITU-T E.806 – Measurement campaigns, monitoring systems and sampling methodologies to monitor the QoS in mobile networks (ex E.MTSM). Work on Res.95-related draft Recommendations progressed, in particular in Question 12/12.
The meeting saw the launch of the preparations for WTSA-2020. The Chairman invited delegates to review the SG12 mandate, lead study group roles, points of guidance, and Question texts.
Other activities
Approximately 15 delegates from 8 countries attended the SG12 newcomers’ session.
SG12 in the news
Results by group directly reporting to Plenary
- Approved updated plan on the implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 95 on "ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality";
- Discussed the applicability of machine learning in the context of ITU-T SG12's mandate.
- Consented Amendment 1 (New definitions for inclusion in Recommendation ITU-T P.10/G.100) to Recommendation ITU-T P.10/G.100: Vocabulary for performance, quality of service and quality of experience.
SG12 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12RG-AFR)
- Reviewed its action plan;
- Coordinated African contributions to SG12;
- Coordinated drafting a response to TSAG Liaison on regional groups.
Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG)
- Provided briefings on recent workshop in Kigali;
- Reviewed and updated its work programme for 2019.
Results by working party
Working Party 1/12
- Produced the following texts for consent in plenary:
- Revised Recommendation ITU-T P.64: Determination of sensitivity/frequency characteristics of local telephone systems;
- New Recommendation ITU-T P.700: Calculation of loudness for speech communication.
- Established work item P.QXM.
Working Party 2/12
- Produced the following texts for consent in plenary:
- Revised Recommendation ITU-T G.107.1: Wideband E-model;
- New Recommendation ITU-T G.107.2: Fullband E-model;
- Revised Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1: Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863;
- Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1201.2: Parametric non-intrusive assessment of audiovisual media streaming quality – Higher resolution application area.
- Established work items P.MLGuide and G.EEMWCS.
Working Party 3/12
- Produced the following texts for determination, consent or agreement in plenary:
- New Recommendation ITU-T E.805: Strategies to establish quality regulatory frameworks;
- New Recommendation ITU-T E.806: Measurement campaigns, monitoring systems and sampling methodologies to monitor the QoS in mobile networks;
- Amendment 2 (New Appendix V – Provisional planning values for the fullband equipment impairment factor and the fullband packet loss robustness factor) to Recommendation ITU-T G.113: Transmission impairments due to speech processing;
- Revised Recommendation ITU-T G.1028: End-to-end quality of service for voice over 4G mobile networks;
- New Recommendation ITU-T G.1028.2: Assessment of the LTE circuit switched fall back - impact on voice QoS;
- Revised Recommendation ITU-T Y.1540: Internet protocol data communication service – IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters.
- Established work items P.DFSm and G.RTM.
Future meetings and workshops
Meetings of Study Group 12
- Geneva, 26 November - 5 December 2019
- Geneva, 15-24 April 2020
Meeting of Working Party 3/12
- Stockholm, 4 September 2019
Meetings of Rapporteur groups
Please see
here for updated information. Additional conference calls of Questions will be announced on the respective mailing lists.
- Qs 13, 14 and 17/12: Stockholm, 2-4 September 2019
- Q4/12: Herzogenrath, Germany, 8-9 October 2019
- Q5/12: Herzogenrath, Germany, 10 October 2019
Meeting of SG12 Regional for QoS for the Africa Region (SG12RG-AFR)
- Details TBC: N'Djamena, Chad, March 2020 (jointly with workshop)
Meeting of Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG)
- Singapore, 19-21 August 2019 (jointly with workshop)
SG12 Workshops
- Singapore, 19-21 August 2019 (jointly with QSDG)
- Details TBC: N'Djamena, Chad, March 2020 (jointly with SG12RG-AFR)