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Roadmap of ITU-T E-health Standardization
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Study Period 2013-2016
SG16: Multimedia
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This page documents the roadmap for e-health related Recommendations studied under SG16 in study period 2013-2016 . For the latest version (study period 2017-2020), click
H.800-H.899 - E-health multimedia services and applications
H.810-H.819 - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems
CDG 2016 / "Iris"
ITU-T H.810 (3rd edition)
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal connected health systems
ITU-T H.811
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Personal health devices interface
ITU-T H.812
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Services interface: Common certified capability class
ITU-T H.812.1
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Services interface: Observation upload certified capability class
ITU-T H.812.2
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Services interface: Questionnaires
ITU-T H.812.3
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Services interface: Capability exchange certified capability class
ITU-T H.812.4
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Services interface: Authenticated persistent session capability
ITU-T H.813
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Healthcare information system (HIS) interface
Earlier editions:
CDG 2015 / "Genome"
ITU-T H.810 (2nd edition)
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: General
ITU-T H.811
(ex H.81x-TPL-IF) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: TAN/PAN/LAN interface
ITU-T H.812
(ex H.81x-WAN-IF) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: WAN interface: Common certified device class
ITU-T H.812.1
(ex H.81x-WAN-IF.1) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: WAN interface: Observation upload certified device class
ITU-T H.812.2
(ex H.81x-WAN-IF.2) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: WAN interface: Questionnaires
ITU-T H.812.3
(ex H.81x-WAN-IF.3) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: WAN interface: Capability exchange certified device class
ITU-T H.813
(ex H.81x-HRN-IF) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: Health record network (HRN) interface
ITU-T H.812.4
(ex H.81x-WAN-IF.4) - Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems: WAN interface: Authenticated persistent session device class
CDG 2013 / "Endorphin"
ITU-T H.810 (2013)
- Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems [H.IDGPHS]
H.820-H.859 - Interoperability compliance testing of personal health systems (HRN, PAN, LAN and WAN)
CDG 2015 / "Genome"
H.820-subseries: Health record network-related testing specs
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: Health record network (HRN) interface
H.830-subseries: WAN-related testing specs
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 1: Web services interoperability: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 2: Web services interoperability: Receiver
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 3: SOAP/ATNA: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 4: SOAP/ATNA: Receiver
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 5: PCD-01 HL7 messages: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 6: PCD-01 HL7 Messages: Receiver
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 7: Consent management: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 8: Consent management: Receiver
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN interface Part 9: hData observation upload: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN interface Part 10: hData observation upload: Receiver
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN interface Part 11: Questionnaires: Sender
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN interface Part 12: Questionnaires: Receiver
H.840-subseries: PAN- and LAN-related testing specs
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN: USB host
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 1: Optimized exchange protocol: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 2: Optimized exchange protocol: Manager
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 3: Continua Design Guidelines: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 4: Continua Design Guidelines: Manager
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5A: Weighing scales: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5B: Glucose meter: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5C: Pulse oximeter: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5D: Blood pressure monitor: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5E: Thermometer: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5F: Cardiovascular fitness and activity monitor: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5G: Strength fitness equipment: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5H: Independent living activity hub: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5I: Medication adherence monitor: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5K: Peak expiratory flow monitor: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5L: Body composition analyser: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5M: Basic electrocardiograph: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5N: International normalized ratio: Agent
- Conformance testing: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 5O: Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment: Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 6: Device specializations: Manager
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 7: Bluetooth low energy (BLE): Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 8: Bluetooth low energy (BLE): Manager
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN interface Part 9: Transcoding for Bluetooth low energy (BLE): Agent
- Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 10: Transcoding for Bluetooth low energy (BLE): Manager
Earlier editions:
CDG 2013 / "Endorphin"
H.820-subseries: Health record network-related testing specs
ITU-T H.821
(ex H.EH-HRN-01): Conformance testing: Health record network (HRN) interface
H.830-subseries: WAN-related testing specs
- H.831-H.838 were
as H.830.1-H.830.8 after approval and initial publication.
ITU-T H.830.1
(ex H.EH-WAN.1) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 1: Web services interoperability: Sender
ITU-T H.830.2
(ex H.EH-WAN.2) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 2: Web services interoperability: Receiver
ITU-T H.830.3
(ex H.EH-WAN.3) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 3: SOAP/ATNA: Sender
ITU-T H.830.4
(ex H.EH-WAN.4) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 4: SOAP/ATNA: Receiver
ITU-T H.830.5
(ex H.EH-WAN.5) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 5: PCD-01 HL7 Messages: Sender
ITU-T H.830.6
(ex H.EH-WAN.6) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 6: PCD-01 HL7 Messages: Receiver
ITU-T H.830.7
(ex H.EH-WAN.7) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 7: Consent Management: Sender
ITU-T H.830.8
(ex H.EH-WAN-8) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 8: Consent Management: Receiver
ITU-T H.830.9
(ex H.EH-WAN-9) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 9: hData Observation Upload: Sender
ITU-T H.830.10
(ex H.EH-WAN-10) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 10: hData Observation Upload: Receiver
ITU-T H.830.11
(ex H.EH-WAN-11) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 11: Questionnaires: Sender
ITU-T H.830.12
(ex H.EH-WAN-12) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: WAN Interface Part 12: Questionnaires: Receiver
H.840-subseries: PAN- and LAN-related testing specs
ITU-T H.840
(ex H.EH-PAN-USB) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN: USB host
ITU-T H.841
(ex H.EH-PAN-01) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 1: Optimized Exchange Protocol (IEEE 11073-20601a-2010) - Agent
ITU-T H.842
(ex H.EH-PAN-02) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 2: Optimized exchange protocol (IEEE 11073-20601a-2010) - Manager
ITU-T H.843
(ex H.EH-PAN-03) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 3: Continua Design Guidelines: Agent
ITU-T H.844
(ex H.EH-PAN-04) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 4: Continua Design Guidelines: Manager
ITU-T H.845.1
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.01) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5A: Weighing scale
ITU-T H.845.2
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.02) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5B: Glucose meter
ITU-T H.845.3
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.03) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5C: Pulse oximeter
ITU-T H.845.4
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.04) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5D: Blood Pressure Monitor
ITU-T H.845.5
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.05) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5E: Thermometer
ITU-T H.845.6
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.06) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5F: Cardiovascular fitness and activity monitor
ITU-T H.845.7
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.07) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5G: Strength fitness equipment
ITU-T H.845.8
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.08) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5H: Independent living activity hub
ITU-T H.845.9
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.09) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5I: Adherence monitor
ITU-T H.845.11
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.11) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5K: Peak expiratory flow monitor
ITU-T H.845.12
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.12) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5L: Body composition analyser
ITU-T H.845.13
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.13) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5M: Basic electrocardiograph
ITU-T H.845.14
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.14) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5N: International normalized ratio
ITU-T H.845.15
(ex H.EH-PAN-05.15) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 5O: Sleep apnoea breathing therapy equipment
ITU-T H.846
(ex H.EH-PAN-06) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 6: Device specializations: Manager
ITU-T H.847
(ex H.EH-PAN-07) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 7: Continua Design Guidelines: Agent for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
ITU-T H.848
(ex H.EH-PAN-08) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 8: Continua Design Guidelines: Manager for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
ITU-T H.849
(ex H.EH-PAN-09) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 9: Personal Health Devices Transcoding: Agent for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
ITU-T H.850
(ex H.EH-PAN-10) - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health devices: PAN/LAN/TAN Interface Part 10: Personal Health Devices Transcoding: Manager
H.860-subseries: Multimedia e-health data exchange services
ITU-T H.860
(ex H.MEDX): Multimedia e-health data exchange services: data schema and supporting services
Technical Papers
H.810-related ITU-T Technical Papers
ITU-T HSTP-H810 (2014)
: Introduction to the ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guidelines
ITU-T HSTP-H810-XCHF (2015)
: Fundamentals of data exchange within ITU-T H.810 Continua Design Guideline architecture
Other ITU-T Technical Papers
: Roadmap for Telemedicine
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