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Question 6/11

Question 6/11 – Protocol procedures relating to specific services over IPv6
(Continuation of Question 16/11)

Whereas the global exhaustion of IPv4 addresses is forcing a transition to IPv6, and whereas significant differences exist between IPv4 and IPv6, how to guarantee the service continuity becomes more and more important for the service providers. New protocol procedures may be required to enable implementation and deployment of services over IPv6, (e.g. wired broadband, IPTV, etc.).
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • What existing ITU‑T recommendations need updating to take advantage of IPv6?
  • What new services can be identified for which the introduction of IPv6 is a necessary precondition?
  • What new protocol procedures are required to implement the services identified above?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • review existing recommendations for implicit or explicit dependency on the IP version and update, where necessary, to provide for a successful transition to IPv6 (working with the relevant study groups/Questions);
  • identify services for which new protocol procedures are required for the transition to IPv6;
  • develop new protocol procedures for services identified above;
  • development of  methodology for security testing and test specification for security testing of Protocol procedures relating to specific services over Ipv6.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 11 work programme
  • Y.2053, Y.2054 and Q.33xx
  • 1/11, 2/11, 4/11 and 7/11
Study groups
  • ITU‑T SG 13 on NGN and future networks, especially Questions 2/13 and 6/13
  • ITU‑T SG 16 on multimedia applications and services
  • ITU‑T SG 2 and other SGs responsible for IPv6 issues
Standardization bodies
  • IETF, Broadband Forum
  • Regional SDOs dealing with NGN, IPv6 and related-services