ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Focus Group on Driver Distraction

​​FG Distraction

(Established 2011-02; Terminated 2013-03)

ITU-T Focus Group on Driver Distraction (FG Distraction) was established by TSAG at its meeting in Geneva, 8-11 February 2011. ITU-T SG12 was the parent group of this Focus Group, and the terms of reference are available ​ here.

The objective of this focus group was to help optimize driving performance and reduce collisions by producing reports, providing input on ITU-T Recommendations, and corresponding with other standards development organizations (SDOs), industry forums and governments.

FG Distraction successfully concluded its work in March 2013 and the deliverables are posted below:

Management and Contacts

ITU contact:

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