ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

FG Cloud

Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud)

(Established in 2010-02; Concluded in 2011-12)

ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud) was established further to ITU-T TSAG agreement at its meeting in Geneva, 8-11 February 2010 followed by ITU-T study groups and membership consultation. It was successfully concluded in December 2011.

The Terms of Reference of the Focus Group are available here.

FG Management
  • Chairman: Victor Kutukov (Russia)
  • Vice-Chairman: Jamil Chawki (France Telecom Orange, France)
  • Vice-Chairman: Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Korea)
  • Vice-Chairman: Mingdong Li (ZTE, China)
  • Vice-Chairman: Monique Morrow (Cisco Systems, USA)
  • Vice-Chairman: Koji Nakao (KDDI, Japan)
  • Vice-chairman: Olivier Colas (Microsoft, Canada)

ITU/TSB contact:

FG Cloud structure and Working Groups working areas

WG1: Cloud computing benefits & requirements

WA 1-1 Cloud Definition, Ecosystem & Taxonomy
WA 1-2 Uses cases Requirements & Architecture
WA 1-3 Cloud security
WA 1-4 Infrastructure & Network enabled Cloud
WA 1-5 Cloud Services & Resource Management, Platforms and Middleware
WA 1-6 Cloud computing benefits & first Requirements from ICT perspectives

WG2: Gap Analysis and Roadmap on Cloud Computing Standards development in ITU-T

WA 2-1 Overview of cloud computing SDOs activities
WA 2-2 Gap analysis & Action plan for development of relevant ITU-T Cloud Standard

Useful Information
  • Deliverable 1: Introduction to the cloud ecosystem: definitions, taxonomies, use cases and high level requirements 
  • Deliverable 2: Functional Requirements and Reference Architecture
  • Deliverable 3: Requirements and framework architecture of Cloud Infrastructure
  • Deliverable 4: Cloud Resource Management Gap Analysis
  • Deliverable 5: Cloud security
  • Deliverable 6: Overview of SDOs involved in Cloud Computing
  • Deliverable 7: Benefits from telecommunication perspectives
Meetings and Events

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FG Cloud Publication
FTP area and Mailing list

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