Committed to connecting the world

Webinar on “Accelerating cities’ transformation through standards”

 With over 80 per cent of the world’s population expected to live in cities by 2050, cities need to re-imagine the way in which resources and services are managed and delivered, in order to improve the sustainability and efficiency of city services, mitigate against climate and environmental risks, and safeguard the wellbeing of every citizen.
In this Webinar, we will explore the role of international standards in providing the necessa​ry guidance to make cities smarter and more sustainable. Developed based on consensus and best practices from around the world, international standards can provide important guidance and policy recommendations that cities can use to set their priorities, navigate global challenges and implement innovative solutions for becoming a smart sustainable city. The Webinar will be joined by smart city experts from leading organizations who will be sharing valuable insights on this topic. 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

12:00 – 12:10
​Opening Remarks
12:10 – 12:30​Keynote: Harsha Madiraju, Associate Director, Member Recruitments and Marketing​, World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC)  [ Biography ]  
​12:30 – 13:00

​Session 1 

Moderator: Javier García Díaz, Director General, UNE​ [ Biography
Questions & Answers
​13:00 – 13:55

Session 2 

Bilel Jamoussi, Chief of Study Groups Department, ITU [ Biography​
Questions & Answers  
13:55 – 14:00
Closing Remarks




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