Committed to connecting the world


Session on "Smart Sustainable Cities & Communities" 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5 September 2019


Sibasish Dasgupta
Project Director, Udaipur Smart City 

Sibasish has close to seventeen years of industry experience in Engineering and Technology Consulting and Business Analysis. His extensive and varied experience makes him capable of serving as a catalyst for achieving revenue objectives and organic growth through effective contributions.

Sibasish has been leading 4 Smart City Projects in India –Udaipur, Patna, Kakinada and Indore.

He can work effectively independently as a leader or as a part of team, under deadlines and extreme pressure. He is excellent at communication and interpersonal skills and has an inborn capacity to motivate and manage a team. He has strong analytical and issue resolution abilities. He possesses extensive experience in Process Management, Operations and Financial Research. In addition, he offers excellent organizational skills, which have proven to be acritical asset in driving operations during the current associations. These qualities, combined with his dedication and tireless efforts and sound work ethics enables him to make a positive impact.

He brings in a perfect mix of technology and business consulting flavor earned from years of work experience during his long association with PricewaterhouseCoopers, India (PwC), KPMG and E&Y where he has spent almost a decade.

He currently works with Eptisa Servicios de Ingenieria S.L. in the capacity of a Project Director.   

Grum Ketema
Chief Technology Officer, dVentus Technologies

Grum Ketema is chief technical officer for dVentus Technologies. He heads research and development of smart grid product lines. The smart grid product portfolio consists of smart water and electric meters, smart grid communication systems, meter data management, grid
monitoring and headend systems. Prior to dVentus technologies he has participated in several startups and has been with several Fortune 500 companies in the U.S.A. in engineering and management positions and comes with extensive Electrical and Software Engineering
experience in leadership, research, development and deployment. Grum is a graduate of the University of Colorado with Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Helen Nakiguli
Chair, ITU-T Study Group 5 Regional Group for Africa 

Holds a Sustainability and Environmental Management form the University of Derby, United Kingdom, B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering and Management and Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management.

Helen is the Current Chairperson of the ITU-T SG 5 Regional Group for African and a former Vice Chairperson of the Working group 7 (Environment and E-waste Management) of the East African Communications Organization (EACO).

Helen is passionate about environmental sustainability issues and, has spearheaded many projects and studies including; the current study on the end of life management of communications equipment in Uganda, spearheading the establishment of the national steering committee on e-waste management in Uganda as well as the national working group on ICT and environmental sustainability. She has contributed to a number of publications at national, regional and international level on sustainability issues as well as made presentations.

James Njeru
Co-Rapporteur Q1/2, ITU-D Study Group 2

Dr. James Njeru previously worked as an economist in the Ministry Planning and National Development; Economics Lecturer at Moi University, Eldoret; and Policy Analyst at Kenya Institute for public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA). Currently working at Communications Authority of Kenya in-charge of Corporate Planning and Strategy. He has published policy and academics papers in refereed journals and represents Communications Authority of Kenya in various technical working groups on ICT related issues at the National, Regional and International forums.

ITU related Activities:
-ITU-D study period 2010-13 - Vice-Rapporteur for Study Group-1 Question 7-3/1 on “Implementation of universal access to broadband services” and Question 12-3/1 on “ Tariff policies, tariff models and methods of determining the costs of services on national telecommunication networks, including next-generation networks”.
-ITU-D study period 2014-17 - Rapporteur for Question 1/ 2 – “Creating the smart society: Social and economic development through ICT applications”
-ITU-D study period 2018-21 – Co-Rapporteur for Question 1/ 2 – “Creating smart cities and society: Employing information and communication technologies for sustainable social and economic development”

He holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics (UoN) and PhD in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management (Moi University).

Andrew Rugege
Regional Director for Africa, ITU

Based in Ethiopia, Andrew Rugege is currently the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regional Director for Africa and Representative to the African Union (AU) and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Recognized as a thought-leader and key influencer among African countries, Andrew is responsible for collaboration with and technical assistance to ITU Members in Africa. He believes that by putting ITU’s resources and expertise at the disposal of its Members and building key partnerships between Public and Private Sectors, ICT and Innovation can become the backbone of Africa’s Digital Transformation and accelerator of UN SDGs and AU Agenda 2063.

Andrew leads teams that provide Members States with advice and expertise in ICT Policy, Regulation, Infrastructure, Innovation and others. He is passionate about Youth and Women Empowerment, Innovation and sustainable development through ICTs. His broad experience in the Technology sector spans private and public sectors as well as Academia.

Prior to ITU, Andrew served as COO at MTN and CEO at Artel Communications both in Rwanda. He previously served as Director of International Business Development at ABSinteractive, USA and Global IT Services Coordinator at United Bible Societies, UK.

Andrew holds master’s degrees in Engineering and Computer Science and Business Administration.

John Smiciklas
U4SSC Verifier

John is currently Principal, Sustainability for MJRD Assessment Inc and the Lead Verifier for the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators for Smart, Sustainable Cities. Concurrently; John is Sr Director for BOMA Canada leading Canada’s largest green building certification program. John’s prior experience includes, among others, positions as Director, Corporate Responsibility Programs (BlackBerry); Manager, Sustainable Business Solutions (PricewaterhouseCoopers); and Lead Auditor (KPMG). John has been engaged with ITU-T projects and Study Groups for many years. The scope of engagement included assisting in the development of the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators for Smart, Sustainable Cities and leading the U4SSC KPI verification process with cities globally . Additionally, John is the author and contributor of a number of ITU publications focusing on technology and sustainability. The most recent publication is Implementing ITU-T International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Moscow.

John holds a B.A.Sc., Engineering (University of Toronto), has completed Business & Sustainability and Climate Change executive programs (University of Cambridge, UK), and has over 20 years of experience in auditing and verification to global standards for quality, environment, safety, wellness, construction and climate change.”