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ITU Workshop on “Developments regarding telecommunication network architectures and services”
Kampala, Uganda, 2 April 2012 Contact:

Richard Adongu, UTL Uganda

Richard Adongu is currently working as a Core Network and Access Systems Planning Engineer with Uganda Telecom. Since 1989 when he joined the then Uganda Posts and Telecommunications Corporation; Uganda Telecom’s predecessor company,  he has worked in several roles including being Switching Planning Engineer and  Data Network Development Officer. He has been central in planning and developing Uganda Telecoms Switching and Data Networks.  He piloted the introduction of several technologies like, ISDN, xDSL, Leased line/Frame relay, NGN, WiMAX, etc. Over time, he has also worked as a Project Manager to several network expansion and development projects.

Simon_Bugaba.JPGSimon Bugaba, Rapporteur Q.15/13 and Vice-chairman SG13, UCC Uganda

Bugaba Simon is working with the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) as an Assistant Directorate, in the Department of Technology and Licensing, of Uganda. He is currently in charge of Postal Regulation and Regional Office. Before this new assignment, Mr. Bugaba was in charge of Telecom Licensing and Service development as well as Service Quality compliance.

He has been in the communication business since 1988, during which he worked with the only Communication service provider for the country till 1998, when he joined the Uganda Communication as one of founding members of staff.

He has been active in ITU activities since 1995 up to date, mainly participating in WTSA, WTDC, TSAG and Plenipotentiary Conferences of ITU.

 In October 2008 WTSA-08 elected Mr. Simon Bugaba to serve the ITU-T as vice-chairman of Study Group 13 (Future networks including mobile and NGN). Study Group 13 also elected Mr. Bugaba to serve as the  Question 15 Rapportuer.

achatterjee.jpgAsok Chatterjee, Ericsson
  • Master’s degree in Radio Physics and Electronics from University of Calcutta, India, and Ph.D. in Electrical
  • Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada.
  • Nearly 30 years in various branches of the telecommunications industry
  • Currently the Vice President of Industry Relations with Ericsson
  • Co-Chairman of WP1, SG13, ITU-T for the 2009-2012 Study Period
  • Member of US Delegation to ITU-R SG5 WP5D [working on IMT-Adv standardization]
  • One of the founders of 3GPP. Currently the Chairman of 3GPP Project Coordination Group
  • Member of the ATIS Delegation to Global Standards Collaboration meetings
  • Was a Member of the US Delegations to WTSA 2008 in Johannesburg and WTDC 2010 in Hyderabad​

jchawki.jpgJamil Chawki, France Telecom Orange

Dr Jamil CHAWKI leads, since June 2008, core network & Cloud computing standardization domain for France Telecom R&D/Orange Labs and active contributor to ITU-T cloud standards. Before this position, Jamil was a deputy director for Enterprise 2.0 Cloud computing research program working on Software as a Service ‘SaaS’ marketplace architecture & strategy for France Telecom R&D. In 2004 he was in charge of the first Fibre To The Home ‘FTTH’ Triple Play pilot project for Jordan Telecom. From 2000 to 2002, he was appointed as Chairman and CEO of Ogero Telecom, a fixed telecom operator in Lebanon. He was in charge of network and Information System OSS/BSS restructuring for Ogero Telecom and he supervised the implementation of first Gigabit Ethernet data network in the Middle East region. Before 2000 he has worked 10 years as a research manager in the optical WDM and IP transport network at France Telecom R&D.

Jamil was a Vice Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group Cloud and is currently Chairman of ITU-T Cloud Working Party in Study Group Future Networks (WP6-SG13).

lehmann.jpgLeo Lehmann, Vice-Chairman SG13, OFCOM Switzerland

​Leo Lehmann is working at the Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM) in Switzerland, taking care on the regulation of mobile and fixed/mobile converged networks.  Since October 2008 Leo also serves the ITU-T as vice-chairman of Study Group 13 (Future networks including mobile and NGN). Further on in this role he functions as the interface of SG13 to the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) of  ITU-T.  Afore he was the Rapporteur on “multimedia service mobility management” in the ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia Services) for many years. Leo has been working since 20 years in the telecommunication business, being responsible as senior manager and expert for network system design and engineering at mayor players of the telecommunication market.  As designated expert on mobile networks and multimedia he has contributed to several scientific conferences. He is one of the winners of the best paper award of the ITU-T Kaleidoscope event 2011“The fully networked human? − Innovations for future networks and services”.

tnhlengethwa.jpgTengetile Nhlengethwa, Ericsson Sub Saharan Africa

Tengetile Nhlengethwa was born and raised in Swaziland, receiving her Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronic Engineering from The University of Swaziland. After graduation she moved to neighbouring South Africa and began her career at Telecomunication giant, Ericsson. She has been employed by Ericsson since 2004 where she became a product manager for multiservice/wireline networks serving the Sub-Saharan Africa region. In early 2005 she became aware of the IMS architecture that Ericsson had started developing and was enamored with the technology as it provided hope for the cash strapped wireline operators she was working with in the region. Today she works as an IMS solution architect and continues to interact with operators in the region.  She is closely involved in the engagement, sale and integration of various IMS Solutions across the region, and continues her passion for the technology and its application.​

David Ocira Oyaro, UTL Uganda

David Ocira Oyaro has been working in Uganda Telecom since 2004 in various capacity. Base Station Engineer from 2004 to 2006; thereafter as Radio Access Planning and Optimization Engineer up to now. Prior to Joining Uganda Telecom. David has worked in Celtel Uganda (currently Airtel), MTN Publicom, the defunct Starlight Communications where he has gained experience in Handling voice and Data services on Satellite Wide Area Network (WAN). David has expertise in multivendor Base Station equipment such as: Alcatel, Siemens, Huawei,and Motorolla. David has 8 years in Operations and Maintenance; and 5 years in Planning and Optimisation of Radio Access technologies (GSM/EDGE, UMTS/HSDPA,WiMax and CDMA2000).

mwaldburger.jpgMartin Waldburger, University Zurich Switzerland

Dr. Martin Waldburger holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree which he received in 2004 from the University of Zurich. In the same year, he joined Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller's Communication Systems Group (CSG) at the University of Zurich in the position of an assistant and doctoral student. In November 2010 he completed his Ph.D. in the field of contracts and information modeling on a “Decision Support in Contract Formation for Commercial Electronic Services with International Connection”.

He participated in the European Union project “Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a Mobile World” (Akogrimo), the “European Union Network of Excellence for the Management of Internet Technologies and Complex Services” (EMANICS), the European Union project “Business Experiments in GRID” (BEinGRID) for the business experiment “Grid Technologies in Agro Food Business” (AgroGrid), and in the European Union project “Simple Economic Management Approaches of Overlay Traffic in Heterogeneous Internet Topologies” (SmoothIT). He is currently participating in the European Union Coordination Action “Socio-economic Services for European Research Projects” (SESERV), and in the project “Accounting and Monitoring of AAI Services” (AMAAIS). He is involved in ITU-T Study Group 13, Question 21 (Future Networks) as editor of the draft Recommendation “Socio-Economic Aware Design of Future Network Technology (Y.FNsocioeconomic)”. His research work is on technical, legal, and business aspects of electronic service provisioning in multi-domain environments.