Committed to connecting the world


Günter Karjoth studied computer science at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) followed by a doctorate. From 1986 - 2013, he worked at IBM Research - Zurich, where he was involved in research projects within the fields of middleware and mobile agent security, identity and access management, enterprise privacy, and protocol engineering. Dr. Karjoth has lectured on “Privacy in the Electronic Society” at the ETH Zurich. Since September 2013 he is a research lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (School of Business).

Dr. Karjoth has published more than 60 technical papers in refereed journals and proceedings, authored 12 patents, and served in different capacities for various conferences and journals as well as on standardization committees. He has acted in different roles in several EU-funded research projects. From 2003-2011, he was the technical co-lead of the Zurich Information Security Center (ZISC), a joint collaboration of the ETH Zurich with an industry consortium. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist (2013) and had received IBM Outstanding Achievement Awards for his work on Privacy for RFID (2006) and on the Enterprise Privacy Architecture (2005).