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Forum on Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

​​​Forum on Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things  
Cairo, Egypt, 6 May 2018

Contact: Cristina Bueti

6 May 2018

​09:00 - 09:30Opening Remarks
​09:30 - 11:00Session 1: Policies, strategies and international standards on artificial intelligence and IoT for smart cities
This session will explore the transformative and enabling potential of AI in keeping with the expanding IoT ecosystem and will provide a platform to discuss the role of policies, strategies and standards to be developed to shape smarter cities.

Moderator: Ramy Ahmed Fathy, Co-Chairman of Working Part 1, ITU-T Study Group 20 [ Biography ]
​11:00 - 11:10​​Closing remarks
​11:10 - 11:30Coffee Break