Committed to connecting the world


Emil Kowalczyk (PhD) has received M.Sc. degree at Technical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics (2000), and PhD. in Electrical Engineering (2008) from Institute of Electron Technology, Poland (1998).  He was visiting scientist at Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA (2001 – 2003).
 In OrangeLabs Poland since 2008, he is in charge of several projects in domain of cloud computing, cloud networking, inter-cloud and security. He has leaded trusted cloud program within Orange Group. His work concentrates on autonomic telecommunications networks, distributed management systems as well as non-technical aspects of telecommunication’s services. Currently, he is responsible for concept and deployment of new services in Orange Poland.
 Dr. Kowalczyk is involved in the activities for global telecommunication standards of ITU-T in the SG13 (Future Network & Cloud) domain where he is keeping position of CoRapporteur Joint-Rapporteurs Group on Cloud Computing Management (JRG-CCM) and Editor of draft Recommendations.  ​