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Performance assessment of vehicle-mounted mobile phones in conjunction with Hands-free Terminals according to Recommendations ITU-T P.1100 and ITU-T P.1110
12-16 May 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Terms and conditions, participation fee

    • ​Participation fee starts at 6000 € which includes
        • Eight tests with a two-page report per test summarizing detailed test results including a “Quality Pie Chart” as specified in Recommendation ITU-T P.505. An example of such a detailed test report is found here.
        • The evaluation of one mobile phone in both modes, narrowband and wideband, will be considered as two tests.
        • In cases where more than eight tests are required (8 + N tests), the participation fee increases accordingly. The cost for each additional test (narrowband or wideband) including documentation (test report) is 500 €, thus the participation fee increases to 6000 € + N x 500 €.
        • An analysis compiling and comparing results of all mobile phones tested in this event will be made available in an “Anonymized Test Report”. “Anonymized” means that the model, software version, company name or brand of the mobile phone is not mentioned.
        • Suggestions for improvement of the devices tested.
        • The full amount of the participation fee must be paid to ITU no later than 4 April 2014.
    • Car manufacturer, HFT supplier and mobile network operator participants will receive the two-page test report of all mobile phones tested in this event containing the model, software version, company name and brand of the mobile phones. ITU and the selected test lab (HEAD acoustics) will coordinate among participants to avoid overlapping requests for the same model of phone.
    • A mobile phone vendor participant will only receive the detailed test results of their own mobile phone(s) with important information about the current performance of each of their device(s) and hints for potential improvement. ITU and HEAD acoustics will not provide the detailed testing results of mobile phones provided by one mobile phone vendor to other mobile phone vendor(s). Car manufacturers, HFT suppliers or mobile network operators as participants are not allowed to share the detailed test results of a mobile phone of a particular vendor with other mobile phone vendor(s).
    • ITU and HEAD acoustics will not make the names of the participating companies publicly available unless the company agrees.
    • Participants are allowed to advertise publicly which mobile phones (model, software version, company name and brand) they recommend (positive and negative).
    • The mobile phones to be tested must be provided by the participants to ITU in Geneva in due time.
    • In cases in which a participant cannot provide a mobile phone, the HEAD acoustics will endeavor to source a device for testing. If a network operator or mobile phone vendor loans a mobile phone to this testing event, the detailed testing result of the loaned device will be made available for free to that company as well as to all car manufacturers, HFT suppliers and mobile network operator participants.
    • HEAD acoustics will test the mobile phones of one specific mobile phone vendor during a specific time slot (one mobile vendor per dedicated time slot), and hold conference calls to discuss the test results with participants either daily or per mobile phone vendor as appropriate.
    • Car manufacturers, HFT suppliers and network operator participants are invited to witness the tests for all phones and participate in discussions at any time, either in person or via conference call. A specific mobile phone vendor participant is only invited to witness the tests during the dedicated time slots when their devices are tested, and participate only in discussions relevant to their devices, either in person or via conference call.