Committed to connecting the world

       ITU Satellite Symposium 2018 - Geneva ​​​​

Where technology converges with regulations



SatComm Workshop

​ ​                   Wednesday, 28 November 2018

8:30 - 10:15                   Registration

10:30 - 10:50


10:50 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:00

12:00 - 13:00

Welcome and Opening Session                                                                    Alexandre Vallet, Chief Space Services Department ITU

                                                                                                                          Martin Jarrold, Chief of Int'l Programme Development - GVF

Overview and Objectives of the Satellite Symposium                               Jorge Ciccorossi - Sr. Eng. Space Services Department ITU

UN Charter, High Throughput Satellites as part of the solution                Simon Gray, Sr. VP Eutelsat - GVF Director

Capacity Building for Field Tech & Nw Ops                                                 Riaz Lamak, President MBC - Lead GVF 

13:00 - 14:00                  Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00

Introduction to Satellite Communications                                                  EP Balasubramanian  - MBC GVF

Evolving Architectures and Applications, Markets

​16:00 - 16:15 ​                Coffee Break
16:15 - 18:00

New Systems                                                                                                  EP Balasubramanian  - MBC GVF

Technology Trends in Satellite Systems

18:00                             End of First Day


                    Thursday29 November 2018

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

Emerging Technologies and Innovations - I                                             Christine Leurquin, SES

Video explanation of exercises to do at the Workshop                           Simon Gray, Sr. VP Eutelsat 

10:30 - 11:00                  Symposium Group Photo next to VSATs  Satellite Antenna 

11:00 - 13:00**


Hands On Outdoor Practicals                                                                    Simon Gray, Fehmida Lamak, Shafeeq Hamza

Conducted on Ka VSAT Equipment and Systems                                   Eutelsat, MBC, GVF

Hands On Indoor Practicals for cable connectors                                   Simon Gray, Fehmida Lamak, Shafeeq Hamza

                                                                                                                       Eutelsat, MBC, GVF

​13:00 - 14:00         ​           Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45

Emerging Technologies and Innovations - II                                            Simon Gray, Sr. VP Eutelsat

Emerging Technologies and Innovations - III                                           Brennan Price, Sr. Principal Regulatory Eng. Hughes

15:45  - 16:00                  Coffee Break

​16:00  - 17:00


Emerging Technologies and Innovations - IV                                           Joakim Espeland, CEO Quadsat

17:00                             End of Second Day

**Note : Timings during the day may be adjusted depending on the weather conditions .


                     Friday, 30 November 2018

09:00 - 10:00

Satellites Launch Vehicles & Value  Chain

Vision for Satcom Growth, view from the Satellite Industry                     EP Balasubramanian  - MBC GVF

Interference Mitigation

​10:00 - 10:15                    ​Closure of Workshop                                                                                     Martin Jarrold, GVF

                                          Optional Group for consultations on Link Budget Calculations

                                          Free time to visit exhibitions and face to face Q&A 

                                          Lunch Break


​               Small Sat Day
​ ​                                            Friday, 30 November 2018

14:15 - 14:30


14:30 - 14:45



14:45 - 16:00

Opening Session, Welcome Remarks  


Setting up the objective of the meeting



Emerging Satellite Technologies and  Regulations:

How to coexist ?

Discussion Pannel among representatives of key sectors.



 Summary of the discussion

Francois Rancy, Director BR , ITU


Alexandre Vallet, Chief Space Services Department, ITU



Alexandre Vallet - ITU ( Moderator )

​Andrey Piletsky, Manager Spectrum Affairs, SAS 

Fabien Jordan, Co-Founder and CEO, Astrocast

Hans Blondeel Timmerman,IARU SatelliteAdvisor

​16:00                     ​Coffee Break

Space Monitoring

Live Carrier Geolocation Demo

Presentations of innovative projects concerning monitoring to and from small satellites

Jorge Ciccorossi, ITU ( Moderator )

Guido Baraglia - Director, Kratos

Thierry Balanche - Manager, Zodiac Aerospace

17.30                      Q&A,   Discussion and Wrap-Up

18.00                    Closure of the Symposium ​