Committed to connecting the world

Space Workshop Materials

​​​​​​Wednesday 29/03​​ ​English ​French
​​0900 – 1030 Technical examination AP30-30A
Technical examination AP30B
Commenting AP30/AP30A/AP30B Procedures
Technical examination AP30-30A
Technical examination AP30B
Commenting AP30/AP30A/AP30B Procedures

​1030 – 1100 Coffee break​ ​Coffee break
​1100 – 1230 Installation of BR Space Software Tools
Exercise to capture/Validate API request
Installation of BR Space Software Tools
Exercise to capture/Validate API request
​1230 – 1400 ​Lunch break ​Lunch break
​1400 – 1530 Capturing of ES for coordination Capturing of ES for coordination
​1530 – 1600 ​Coffee break ​Coffee break
​1600 – 1730 Creation of ES coordination Contours
Submission of ES Notification
Creation of ES coordination Contours
Submission of ES Notification
​​​​​​​Thursday 30/03 ​English ​​​French
​​0900 –​ 1030​ Submission of comments using BRIFIC and SpaceCom
• SpaceCom for API/B
• SpaceCom for CR/D
Submission of comments using BRIFIC and SpaceCom
• SpaceCom for API/B
• SpaceCom for CR/D
​1030 – 1100 ​Coffee break ​Coffee break
​1100 – 1230 • SpaceCom for AP30/AP30A
• Exercise to submit Due Diligence Information (Resolution 49)
• SpaceCom for AP30/AP30A
• Exercise to submit Due Diligence Information (Resolution 49)
​1230 – 1400 ​Lunch break ​Lunch break
​1400 – 1530 Notification of satellite networks Exercises
• Creation of notification notices
• 11.32A, 11.41
• Part-III-S publications scenario
Notification of satellite networks Exercises
• Creation of notification notices
• 11.32A, 11.41
• Part-III-S publications scenario
​​153​0 – 1600​​Coffee break​​Coffee break
​1600 – 173​​​​0 ​General discussions ​​​General discussions