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Pledge Portal

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Why pledge?

Partner2Connect recognizes that connecting the remaining 2.6 billion people requires urgent, multi-stakeholder collaboration, led by governments, policymakers, and regulators. P2C is a game-changing platform to mobilize the resources, partnerships, and commitments needed to bring meaningful connectivity to those still offline. Submit a pledge
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What is ITU’s role in P2C?

As the UN agency for digital technologies, ITU provides a neutral platform to coordinate the P2C Action Framework and support the mobilization, tracking, and monitoring of commitments made through P2C’s online pledging platform. While pledges may also be directed to ITU through existing or new programs and projects, this is not a requirement for submission.
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Who can make a pledge?

The Coalition is open to entities, not individuals. The following entities can join P2C:
– Governments (including local governments, municipalities and regulatory bodies)
– Private Sector (including philanthropic organizations)
– UN Agencies and other International or Regional Organizations (including Multilateral Development Banks)
– Civil Society, Academia and Research Associations
– Youth Groups, Media and Entertainment Organizations
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How to pledge, types of pledges and criteria for a strong pledge

To submit a pledge on behalf of your entity, please sign in to the P2C Pledging Portal using your ITU User Account. If you do not have an ITU User Account, you can create one here. After creating your account, return to this page to log in. Read more