Registration will be carried out exclusively online. You can register in just 1 minute following these five simple steps! Please read them carefully.
1) SIGN IN: Click REGISTER to go to the registration form. Use your ITU User Account username and password to sign in.
2) EVENT JOB TITLE: Provide a job title for this event.
*You may use your current profession, role, or affiliation with organizations in which you have an official role (e.g., Student, Youth Envoy, Entrepreneur, etc.). As an alternative, you may use the title “GYS Youth Delegate”.
If you have been designated and sponsored by an ITU Member* tick on “different representation” and select the respective ITU Member from the list of ITU Status, Country, and Organization.
If you are: a member of the ITU Generation Connect Youth networks or youth receiving sponsorship from partners of the Generation Connect Global Youth Summit 2022, IGNORE this section.
4) MEETING AND FUNCTION: Select the meeting and choose either the function “Remote participant” or “On-site participant”.
5) SUBMIT REGISTRATION: Choose the desired privacy options and click on “Submit Registration”