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The MISK Global Forum [MGF] welcomed a Generation Connect delegation to the Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 9-10 November 2022. Under the theme of ‘Generation Transformation’, the Forum hosted more than 120 different events, activities, and dialogues over a two-day programme, encouraging transformative sustainable impact on an individual basis, on the community level, and for the world at large.

Members of the Generation Connect Visionaries Board and Generation Connect Youth Envoys had the opportunity to actively engage and participate in this intergenerational Forum. On the final day of the Forum, the Generation Connect delegation had the opportunity to meet with ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin and share their experiences with her, underscoring the importance of meaningful youth engagement for digital development. Read the highlights and reflections of the Generation Connect delegation to learn more about the impact of this event.

Generation Connect Youth Envoys, Visionaries Board Member, and ITU staff with ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Generation Connect – Americas Youth Envoy Shergaun Roserie engaged in discussion with ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Generation Connect Visionaries Board Member Juliana Novaes discusses her engagement at the MISK Global Forum 2022